First Party Part 2

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We got inside and Keith went over by Vance and Jace, leaving me by the door. I started walking around, I got a drink from the kitchen but the alcohol was evident by the first sip. The drinks were definitely spiked, oh well it is a party. "Who are you?" Payten asked me and I almost laughed.
"Does nerd, geek, freak, or slut ring a bell?"
"It's you? I thought Sabrina didn't have a dog."
"Aw good one."
"Quit the sarcastic comments. What were you doing with Keith Salaway today?"
"Shopping, an activity that most teenaged girls do in their free time?"
"I don't know what you think is going on between you both but it isn't real. He isn't interested in you."
"I'd disagree with that statement. If he wasn't interested then he would've gotten rid of me weeks ago."
"It's part of his game, he plays with a girl for a month or two and then breaks them into bits."
"Oh sweetie, did someone get their heart broken." I pouted and she scoffed.
"No! But making you miserable is my job, not some guy's."
"Alright, but you should know that you're failing miserably at your job." I smiled and she stomped off though she elbowed my drink to the floor. I sighed and got another. I sat down on the arm of a chair and watched Keith who was busy talking to Vance and Hess. He spared me a quick glance and gave me a quick wink, I smiled back. "So you and Keith are a thing?" Lindsey asked me, standing next to me.
"I guess? It's kind of confusing."
"Well you're in the place most girls would die to be in right now."
"Just be careful, he's been with a lot of girls. He's not the committed relationship kind of guy."
"I know, there's a lot more to him then what it seems."
"So he's not a sex-oriented, cold felon?"
"That's part of him, yes," I laughed, "but he's not a bad guy. Yes, he's put two boys in the hospital since we met but it wasn't ill intentioned. They were bugging me so... He knocked them unconscious?"
"What a charmer."
"Oh definitely, but it works."
"I'm sorry, again, for making you so miserable. I'm trying to get them off your back the most I can."
"Without looking like you're any different then you have been?"
"Pretty much. But I think I should tell you something before the party starts heating up..."
"What?" I asked, my eyebrows knitting together confused.
"Paisley is talking about putting something in your drink and pretty much... Give you to some of the guys here. Don't take any drinks from anyone and try to stick with tap water."
I blinked in surprise, "Seriously? Uh, thanks."
"Least I can do." She frowned and walked off. Keith and the guys started to play and I was surprised at how good they were. It was mostly Green Day, Neon Trees and songs from those bands that they played, those being some of the only bands in like.
"What'd ya think, Red?" Vance asked and I cringed.
"For one, my name is Alice. And I thought you guys were pretty good." I said.
"Glad to hear." He nodded and left.
"Hey, Red." Keith said.
"Hey, you guys were really good."
"Cool. Red, are you drinking?" He almost laughed.
"Double standard much?"
"What do you mean?" I laughed.
"You freak out if I drink but it's totally fine if you drink."
"No, I just don't like you getting drunk."
"You are the strangest girl I've ever met."
"Why thank you." I smiled widely.
"My point exactly." He said to himself and I rolled my eyes playfully. After a few more hours and a few more songs from Keith and the guys was when the party started hearing up. Keith was surprised I wasn't drunk off my ass yet. I was a bit giggly but that was really it. "What are you giggling at?" Keith finally asked.
"I don't even know." I giggled, I must've sounded insane.
"Want to go home yet? It's 2am."
"Noooo! I'm having fun!" I jumped up and down like a child and Keith chuckled.
"What now then?"
"I wanna dance!"
"Did you just say 'wanna'? Who are you and what have you done with Alice?" Keith looked at me like I was a different person.
"Shut up, I love this song!" I smiled and dragged him over to where everyone was dancing by the radio.
"I need to get you drunk more often." He smirked and I giggled.
"Yes you should." I asked him to get me another drink and he left me for a minute in the living room. "Oh, you're still here?" Sabrina cackled.
"Paisley said you were here but I didn't believe her."
"I'm here with Keith." I said, leaning on the couch.
"We all know that, that little show at the mall was definitely gag worthy."
"Thanks Sabrina." I said sarcastically.
"You know, I'm tired of our bickering. How's a forgive me drink?" She fake smiles and held out one of two drinks. I decided to take the other, she thinks I'm so stupid. "No take this one."
"Why should I take that one when this one is just fine?" I questioned.
"Because I don't want you to have that one."
"What's so special about this one that I can't have the other?"
"So I want the other."
"But I want the other."
"Gah! Forget it!" She shouted in frustration and marched off. Keith came back a bit later with my drink. We, well he, decided we should leave as it got closer to 3. "A few more minutes?" I pouted.
"No, Red. We're leaving. I feel like every guy has an eye on you and I don't like it."
"Fine, we can go. I feel a bit dizzy anyway." I shrugged and we made our way to the door.
"Aw, you two are leaving?" Paisley said stepping in front of me.
"Yeah." I said shortly.
"One more drink before you leave?" She offered and I took it.
"What'd you do to it Paisley?"
"What do you mean?"
"Let's face it, you're a total bitch who would never be kind to me in anyway. Plus someone told me you were trying to slip me shit."
"What? Who told you that?" She said nervously.
"C'mon, let's go Red." Keith urged.
"Ok," I said before turning back to Paisley, "one more thing Paisley." I smiled and she rolled her eyes, annoyed.
"What?" She snapped and I poured the cup of alcohol on her head. She shrieked and heads turned. "Now I'm ready to go." I giggled, Keith and I left and went back. We pulled up to a spot and went inside. Keith opened the door quietly and we snuck inside. The lights flashed on and Steven was sitting there. "You know the drill." Steven said and pulled out what looked like a breathalyzer.
"How are you still walking and talking?" Steven asked and I shrugged.
"Get to bed, I expect you both to get up and go to school on time. Move it." He said and Keith scoffed.
"When has that ever happened?"
"If you don't get your ass in bed, I'll cancel your ticket for the trip."
"I don't wanna go anyway."
"Just get to bed!" He said and we did before Steven woke everyone up. I wiped off my makeup but realized I was out of clean pajamas. "Here." Keith tossed me one of his shirts. I wrinkled my nose. "It's just a shirt, Red. It's either that or you go to bed without clothes. I don't mind either." He smirked.
"You're disgusting." I said and went to go change in the bathroom. The shirt was a bit big on me, ok it was way too big on me but I didn't care at this point. "Well isn't that a pretty picture." Keith said with a grin.
"Pervert." I said with a laugh.
"Why thank you." He said, imitating me from before.
"Go to bed, Kit." I teased purposely trying to piss him off.
"That's it." He said before grabbing me and kissing me roughly. My squeal of surprise was muffled by his lips on mine. He let go of my arms that he had pinned to the bed and I wrapped them around his neck. He kissed down my neck and I bit my lip. I actually fell asleep ages minutes later.
My alarm woke me up the next morning for school and I was pissed! My head was pounding, I went to get up but soon realized that Keith's arm was weighing me down. "Keith, wake up." After that didn't work, "Kit, wake the hell up." He woke up a bit annoyed but it was short lived when I grin confused me. "What?" I asked confused at what he was grinning at.
"Look in the mirror, Red." He said and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and checked my phone camera as a mirror. "What the actual fuck?!" I shouted and touched the dark bruise on my neck.
"You're welcome." Killing him sounded great right now. It's like I'm asking to be called a whore with this thing. I felt bad having to wake up Lauren for help. "That's hilarious!" She was cracking up. I'm going to prison for two counts of murder today. "No it's not! I need help covering it up." I whined.
"I can spare some foundation for that. Are you wearing Keith's shirt?"
"That's really not important." I said and she got to work packing on foundation, concealer and powder. It was mostly covered but it was still pretty noticeable. "God dammit!" I cursed.
"I tried, it's too dark and if I put any more makeup on it it'll just look like a piece of a bad mask." Lauren apologized and I groaned.
"Thanks for trying, at least it doesn't look as dark." I told her and she shooed me out so she could go back to bed. I grabbed some clothes and went to get dressed but was stopped. "Can't cover it can you?" He seemed quite proud of himself.
"No..." I pouted, crossing my arms.
"Well I'm certainly glad." He had that stupid grin on again and he was towering above me right now.
"Why is that?" I raised my eyebrow, peering up at him.
"It tells everyone that you're mine." He growled in my ear and I got a shiver down my spine. He gave a quick but sweet kiss and I went to get dressed. I put on my new tank top, it was of Joker and Harley Quinn, and I slipped on my red and black Harley hair bow.
"We're late, can we just grab a coffee on the way? We don't have time for breakfast."
"Like you eat anyway."
"I do... Sometimes."
"You know by not eating, your tricking your body into thinking your getting more calories in your next meal."
"Hey, I'm smart too."
"I'm grabbing some toast, I'll meet you downstairs." I said and he nodded, grabbing the keys and leaving. I made myself a quick piece of toast and left. I hoped behind Keith and we left. They misspelled my name on my coffee but didn't care, caffeine was caffeine. We got in surprisingly on time. "See you later." Keith said and gave me a kiss.
"Why don't you just stay?"
"I have better things to do than this awful place."
"Fine, see you later." I said and opened the door, I threw away my cup and took my seat. "Nice of you to join us, Ms. Clery. This is two second time you've been late. You realize the rule better than anyone."
"Do I really have to go to detention?" I asked, I really didn't want to ruin my perfect record.
"Yes, Alice. I will see you at 3:00." Mr. Silicone told me and I hit my forehead on my desk. We took a pop quiz that I was sure I aced. "Can my dream team raise their hands." He asked and counted the hands of 4 boys and 1 girl who always got detention. "4/5 of you have detention today. I see your phone Drew. Patricia, you are actually free from detention today."
"If the guys are there, so am I." She said.
"In all my 30 years of teaching, I've never had a child, or 5 in this case, ever want detention!" He said, slamming the pile of papers on the table.
"I can't break you five!"
"Never!" Heath shouted and everyone let out a short laugh. Once class let out I immediately texted Keith. 'First detention ever. Kill me 😩'
'C u on the other side, Red.'
'Not going to jail, detention. Even if they are pretty similar.' I closed my phone and the rest of my day went on.
I sat down in Mr. Silicone's detention. It was really boring. The "dream team" was playing cards next to me. "Wanna play?" They asked and I shook my head.
"My head is killing me." I said.
"Here." Patricia handed me a small bottle of Advil that k happily accepted. Mr. Silicone left the room to take a call from his wife who he insisted on complaining about the whole time. "What happened to your neck?" Drew asked me dumbly and I wanted to curl up on the floor and die. I got called a slut 15 times today in the girl's locker room at Gym alone. "Nothing." I covered it with my hand and slouched in my seat. "The nerd's gotta hickey!" Patricia shouted.
"For real? Who would give her a hickey?" Heath questioned.
"No one." I persisted.
"You can tell us, who was it?"
"Jail break!" I heard and the door swung open. Keith stepped in, his arms crossed.
"Thank god." I laughed and got up, slinging my bag over my shoulder.
"Him?!" I heard behind me as I made it to the door, hoping over the last desk.
"Ready?" He smirked.
"Definitely." I said honestly. He laughed and we left.
"I didn't know he had a laugh." I heard behind us.
"I know, I thought he was just a sociopath." Keith kicked the door shut and we started our way to the door as Mr. Silicone ended his call. "You are a lifesaver." I admitted and he laughed.
"I know." He smirked and I rolled my eyes.

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