What Now?

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Hana staggered into consciousness. 'Where am I?!' She thought, terrified. She heard a whurr of multiple machines. There was also a steady beeping noise that slowly got faster as she became more and more frightened.

What she heard next truly terrified her. It was a small "hmm?" from a man. Her eyes flew open when the sound reached her ears and she let out a small scream. She might have fallen out of bed if he hadn't gently grab her wrist in time. She winced at the pain shooting up her arm.

"Oh, that hurts? We should get that checked out," said the concerned stranger, who started wrapping it with a bandage.

"Where am I? Who are you? What happened?! Why am I here?! Where is my dad?! Oh, he's gonna kill me!!" She squeaked, panicking.

"You are in Tokyo Children's Hospital. I am Dr. Asahina, your pediatrician. You are here because you are hurt and malnourished and in need of help. Your 'father' has run from the police who are now pursuing him and no, he will not kill you. You are safe here." And with that, Dr. Asahina pulled out a red lollipop.

Hana stared at it, confused, and looked up at the kind doctor. He smiled at her, "It's okay, go on." And Hana showed him a small, grateful smile as she slowly took the lollipop, unwrapped it, and finally calmed down as the candy touched her tongue.

"Now, what is your name?" Dr. Asahina asked she looked up at him again and said in a small voice " I-I am
K-K-Kobayashi Hana." And Dr.Asahina
wrote on a clip board.

"I have to go now, but I will be back soon to check on you." The doctor said. Hana nodded to him as he left the room.

As soon as he was gone, Hana sighed to herself and looked out the window to the gardens as she wondered, "What now?"

Smile! (Brothers Conflict Fanfic) ~Complete~जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें