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After the incident with baseball team, Hana became somewhat of a legend among her newfound friends.

"I still say it's not fair. How come you got to get hit by the ball? I've had a crush on Goto all year!" Kara whined after choir about a week after the apology.

"I'll let you get hit next time." Hanna joked as she slid her sheet music into her bag and stood up from her chair. "It's the least I can do."

"Don't be mean." Kara whined, sticking out her tongue at Hana. "I guess it's just in my nature." Hana said in a fake tough-girl tone. Hana and Kara burst out laughing.

"Haha, I'll see you guys later, I've got to catch the train." Hana said, she waved goodbye as she left, and walked briskly to the subway.

She had gotten the hang of the subway system over the past few days, so she could finally get home without getting lost in the bustle of the underground.

Hey guys, author here. I started this story about five years ago with the whole plot thought out. However, I kind of gave up after a couple years because I kinda grew out of this fandom. As time passed, I totally forgot about this entire story. But now I've decided to end the suffering and write a quick summary of the rest of the story due to COVID-19 boredom. I hope this gives you the closure that you all deserve.

OK, Hanna gets off at the stop nearest to her house. Between the subway station and her house, she's grabbed and pulled into a back alley by two middle aged thuggish looking dudes. Picture one of them really tall and muscular, but super dumb. And the other one is pretty short and really angry. Classic goons.

The big one doesn't talk much, but the little one keeps going on about how somebody's really looking forward to reconnecting.  Then they start dragging her towards a black car.

Hana is understandably super freaked out and somehow wiggles out of Big Goon's grasp and starts running for her life. The goons chase her to a park area with a humongous tree nearby. She doesn't see anywhere to run, so she climbs the huge tree.

The goons try to follow her up the tree, but Little Goon is too short to reach the branches, and Big Goon is too heavy for the branches to support. Neither of them are smart enough to figure out that Big Goon could just lift Little Goon so they just stand at the base of the tree yelling at her to try and scare her down.

Ya girl is having a freaking panic attack in this tree when out of the bushes bounds this huge ferocious looking dog. The dog is howling and barking and scares the crap outta Big Goon, who backs off. Lil Goon thinks he's tough and KICKS THE DOG. (Don't worry, it didn't hurt the dog.) This dog is having none of his crap and sinks his teeth in Lil Goon's leg. This is enough to get the Goons to yeet themselves outta there.

Uh oh. Who's this stumbling out of the bushes from which the doggie savior emerged? Why, it's our new friend Himura! (Remember him? I bet you don't. Chapter 6, Mean Girls)

OMG he saw everything!

Himura gets his dog and looks up the tree all like "Hana, you ok?" Hana is in tears and clearly not ok, but she says "Yup, doing great!" And tries to climb down.

Now, you might remember that Hana is afraid of heights. She freaks out and slips, falling from the tree.

Our friend Himura is smooth as hek and catches Hana before she hits the ground. They have a real moment.

Anyway, Himura asked Hana what that was all about and Hana was like "I don't know, and I don't wanna know. I'm gonna head home before I get kidnapped."

Himura offers to walk her home and she accepts cause she's terrified. On the way, Himura introduces Hana to our lovable doggie savior. Her name is Rosie and she's a bull mastiff.

Smile! (Brothers Conflict Fanfic) ~Complete~Where stories live. Discover now