Memory/Author's Note

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Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading my story! I'm so sorry about how slow that last update was. And I'm also super sorry about this author's note! To make up for it I'm writing some of Hana's back story to clarify some details for you. Anyways, I want your opinion on some things. Would you guys like long chapters over long periods of time? (Like the last chapter) Or relatively short chapters over short periods of time? (Like the first few chapters) Please tell me in the comments. Also, if you have any ideas for the story, I would love to read them! You guys are awesome! Hope you like the backstory!
Ten year old Hana was swimming in a moderate sized pool in November. She raced through the freezing water, trying to get her mind off the pain of a large angry bruise on the outside on her left thigh.

She had been swimming a few laps of butterfly when her father stumbled, drunk, out the back door of their apartment.

"Hanna! *hic* come here!" He yelled to her angrily. "Yes daddy!" She answered obediently as she hopped out of the pool and grabbed her towel,

She walked over to her father, he was holding an almost empty bottle of whiskey in one hand and a black coffee mug in the other.

She walked to him and followed him inside. "A person from your online school emailed me today," he said eerily calm. "They said that they want you to skip another grade." Hana stayed silent. He was the scariest when he was calm.

"They say they they want you to come to school." Still creepily calm. "DO YOU WANT TO BE TAKEN AWAY FROM ME!?!" He yelled at her, throwing the whiskey bottle to the ground.

Hana backed away slowly. "No." She replied trying to calm him down. "LIAR!!" He yelled. He seemed to be inconsolable. "I LOVE YOU, HANA!!" He shouted, "AND I'LL NEVER LET YOU GO!!!"

Rage consumed him, Hana tried to calm him down, but rage filled him. He tried to throw the mug in his hand at the wall but in his drunken state he threw it at Hana instead.

It shattered full-force on Hana, a large shard penetrated her eye. She clutched her eye and screamed out in pain. She could no longer hear her father's incoherent ramblings, only the sound of her own screaming.

Blood seeped into her other eye she was now in total darkness. Screaming. Just screaming.

Hana was now floating in a sea of darkness, the searing pain in her eye was gone. Why was she still screaming?

She could barley make out a voice, "Hana!" It said, "Hana! WAKE UP!" Her eye flew open, her screaming turned into sobbing.

She felt four pairs of arms around her. She took in her surroundings. Kaname, Tsubaki, Ema,and Wataru were all hugging her tightly.

Masaomi, Ukyo, Azusa, Subaru, Lori, and Yuusuke were all standing around her looking worried.

Wataru was crying too. "It's ok Hana! I won't let anything hurt you!" Hana snapped our of her her terror induced trance.

She hugged Wataru tightly. "Thank you." She said, she wanted to stay like that forever. She looked around at the others. "So, why is everyone in here?"

The brothers and Ema stared at her as if she was crazy. "You were screaming and crying." Ema said, faintly shocked.

"Really?!" Hana face-palmed. "I am so sorry for waking all of you!" She looked down at her lap.

"What was troubling you so much, Imoto-chan?" Kaname asked her, his brow furrowed. "Oh, you know..." Hana shrugged. "Just remembering." She looked out the window. She had a stunning view of the huge tree outside.

"Your entrance exam for the university was supposed to be today, but we can post-" Ukyo started but Hana cut him off. "Nonono! I'm fine! I got this!" She told him in her most determined voice.

"Alright..." Ukyo gave in reluctantly. Masaomi stepped in, "Anyway, off to bed. Say goodnight." Tsubaki frowned, "Alright," he hugged her tightly. "Sweet dreams, ok?" She smiled at him as the filed out of the room. "Ok."

~fifteen minutes later~

Hana tossed and turned, she kept thinking about her dad. She sighed and got out of bed, grabbing Kuma-chan.

She knocked on a door on her floor with the lights on. "Azusa, for the last time I do not have your-" Tsubaki froze mid-sentence as he opened the the door to find a bewildered Hana. "-script... Hey Hana!" Tsubaki's cheeks reddened slightly as he contemplated his mistake.

"Did I come at a bad time?" Hana asked, she really didn't want to bother anyone more than she already had. "No way! I always have time for you. What's up?" He asked, it was already 3am and she had a test at 10.

"Um, well, I can't sleep I keep thinking about..." She began to say, but Tsubaki stopped her. "Say no more, do you want to sleep in my room?" He asked with a goofy grin.

She returned his goofy grin. "I'll take that as a yes." He said as he picked Hana up princess style and started swinging her around. Hana squealed and giggled as he spun her in his arms.

He dropped her on the bed with a big FWUMP! He turned off the lights and plopped onto the bed beside her, engulfing her in his arms.

"Sweet dreams." He murmured to her. "Good night." Hana whispered back, finally drifting off, safe in his arms.

Smile! (Brothers Conflict Fanfic) ~Complete~Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα