Part 11

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Once I got into my nice comfy bed for a nice nape and was already asleep is when I heard a bunch of ponding on the front door. I slowly got up and walked to the front door. I looked out the window by the door and saw Luke and a very worried looking Elijah. What the hell do they want?

They both kept pounding on the door as I made my way over. I already had a headache and this noise is not helping. I was more than pissed.

"WHAT!" I screamed as I flung the door open. I probably look like a crazy person but I'm so sleepy. Why did they have to bug my slumber?

"Well we were worried about you since we couldn't find you at school" Luke said looking down.

"Well I walked home and now you two nit wits just woke me up from my slumber. Now if you both are willing to let me sleep you may come up to my room." I said as I stumbled back upstairs leaving the door open for them. I collapsed on to my bed and was out like a light.

Some time later on I felt something wrap around my body. I didn't have a care in the world right now.

When I woke up it was around seven pm and the thing that I felt wrap around me was Elijah and then there was Luke on the other side of Elijah. My bed is pretty big but with two guys and one girl, well lets just say Luke was dangling off the side.

I tried getting up once already and Elijah's arm wouldn't let me move it only tightened and snuggled into me.

  Okay lets try this again yeah.

I slowly reached for the arm around me and lightly and slowly lifted the arm in the air and slid of the bed and pulled a pillow in its place. When I laid his arm down he did exactly what he did earlier. 

I quietly left the room and went downstairs to where I found my mom sitting in the kitchen.

"Hey" I whispered as I came up behind her and sat down next to her.  She jumped at my voice but relaxed when she saw me. 

"Hey sweetie"

"So I am just going to assume that you saw the two ding dongs in my room." I said as I looked at her

"Yeah I did when I came to check on you earlier. May I ask why you have two guys in your room?" she said

"Well one is my um boyfriend Elijah and the other one is our friend Luke. Luke was the one almost falling off the bed. Well I decide to walk home and didn't tell them so of course after I went to take my nap they showed up and I was mad cause I needed my sleep and I said if they let me sleep they can come up. So I guess they just decided to pass out with me." I said as I shrugged and started to make some pasta.

"So you like Elijah?" she asked as she faced me.

"Well... Ya I do but it wont last." I said as I stirred the pasta

"Is that because your leaving or..." she asked as she looked down

"Well I don't think he likes me as much as I like him but it doesn't matter because ill be leaving."  I said with a shrug.

"Why wont you take the money?" she asked in a whisper as she looked up at me.

"Because I don't have anything here." I said with a sigh

"what about me or Elijah and Luke? Why cant you stay for us? How are they going to react when I tell them all of a sudden 'Sienna left and we are never going to see her again cause she wouldn't do the right thing'."

"Mom I am better off not being here and they will get over it along with you." I said as I poured the sauce into the noodles.

"God Sienna. Do you hate me or something?" she screamed

"What?" I asked looking over at her startled by her out burst.

"Do you hate me so much that you want to leave me?"  she shouted but it wasn't to loud.

"No of course not I love you more than anything but its not you who I want to leave."

"Then just take the money then the both of us can leave. Just please don't leave me"  she sobbed.

"Mom I am not going to do this with you right now" I said as I dished 4 plates of pasta and grabbed 3 plates and headed upstairs.

Once I entered inside my room I saw both goofs awake and whispering back and forth with there backs to me.

I crept up behind them.

"What are we talking about?" I asked and they both screamed and fell off the bed. I started laughing so hard that I couldn't breath. 

"Jeeze women what the hell" Luke asked as he rubbed his butt making me laugh some more.

"Well I made you guys some pasta" I said as I gave them each a bowl.

"Thanks"  they both said.

After a while of silence Elijah finally broke it.

"So what happened downstairs?" he asked as he took another bite of his dinner.

" nothing really just mom and daughter stuff." I said as I put my bowl of pasta down in my lap.

"well I heard bits and pieces. Your mom seemed really mad." I nod in response.

"Yeah she is always sad or angry with me and its always over the same thing" I sigh as I push my bowl away from me.  

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