Twenty Two

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"So, what do I have to wear on a first date?" I ask Noah. He insisted on making all the plans to my dismay, as I hate surprises.

"Um... Comfy. Tracksuit or something." He shrugs, not looking up from his phone as if it was no big deal.

I raise one eyebrow and walk over to Noah. I jam my head onto his upper arm. "No-ahhh." I whine like a child. "Please just tell me where we're going."

He laughs, putting done his phone as he turns to me. "Are you just incapable of not knowing information?" I nod, my facial expression having 'lost puppy' written all over it. "Ask my mother; it isn't something I can do!"

"Yeah, I won't be asking your mother for anything anytime soon. I'm pretty sure she'd be glad to see me fall off a cliff – thanks to you."

"The person you're all 'you' at is the one who you just totally confessed your undying love for two days ago, don't forget."

Noah chuckles. "Just because we're going a date doesn't mean the war is off."

"Great. Because I have something amazing up my sleeve."

"I find it ironic how you're wearing a t-shirt." He spews with laughter.

"Not funny, Noah." I grumpily pout, crossing my arms. Technically he was right, I had nada planned – but in the words of Alison DiLaurentis; a good lie is always better than the plain truth.

"Aww, have you spit out your dummy?" Noah outstretches one arm to my left shoulder and pulls me to his chest. "I'm just joking."

"Better be." I hiss. "Or I really will go ahead with my plan."

"Mm..." Noah agrees. "Right."

"Yeah; right!"


In the end, Hazel had to come to my rescue on the night of our mystery date. She completely freaked when I told her it was Noah I was going on a date with. "I still can't believe you never told me you liked him." She exclaims as she did my makeup. I was perfectly capable of doing my own makeup except for tonight. My hands were shaking like an earthquake and my mind my running away with all sorts of thoughts.

"Um, when did I ever tell you I liked someone?"

A happy smile tugs on my best friend's face. "I suppose so. You always just told me all the details like a week postpartum to the date you had with somebody." I knew we were both thinking of him, but before I let my past haunt my future I turn back to concentrating on Noah.

"So, where do you think I'm going?"

"I know exactly where you're going." She informs me with a much more evil smile than the last one she displayed.

My mouth forms an 'o'. "Wait, so you knew I was going on a date with Noah? You faked the angriness and shock?"

"Actually, the angriness and shock were very real. When I went to the bathroom," - cue the bunny fingers at bathroom – "I threatened Noah to tell me with his drink at the ready to be poured over him."

I shake my head, spellbound as she told the story. "You are mental. You are such a mental, bonkers freak and I love you so damn much."

"Not as much as Noah, as it seems!"

And that's when I hit my mental, bonkers freak that I loved. "Shut up, you. And you're one to talk – Travis!"

"Yeah, I did talk!"

"After your date. So technically, I spilled before you did."

"Meh." Hazel shrugs off the concept as she fills in my eyebrows.

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