Twenty Eight

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The next morning I woke up happy for an instant. I checked my phone and remembered the worst thing as I noticed the date. Today was the anniversary. His birthday, but also the anniversary of the... occurrence. It was the anniversary of him. All of his smiles, angry torments and memories passed along in my mind, and it made me sick to my stomach. Hopefully Noah doesn't notice anything wrong with me today. I just want it to be normal, but how can I?

That... creature was still lurking around on Earth somewhere, having the time of his life with his filthy money and women on each hip as we speak, probably. His memories made my skin crawl. They didn't at the time until this day two years ago – but now? Now I was ready to puke at the image of him in my mind, the remembrance of how it felt when his hands were holding mine, how it felt to hug or kiss him when I was sad.

Now he is the reason I get sad. There is nothing that I wish more than he someday could feel what I felt. Of course he couldn't. What he did was insane; but something just close or even worse would do. It wasn't even him that scared me- it was just how weird and freaky the thing was. My phone vibrated in my hands, and with a shudder I snap out of my daydream. Scratch that out. My day-nightmare.

I open the text.

'Morning chick. Just a reminder to tell you you're still as beautiful as yesterday, and Im making bacon if you want some. Actually, you better want some because my bacon is life goals.'

I manage to pull a smile. There was no need to say that Noah sent that text. The sweet little bragger.

'Bet mine is nicer ;)'

I can hear Noah laugh from the kitchen. "Never!" he shouts aloud. I hear a sizzle and a heavenly aroma floods through the cracked door. I wrap myself up in a fluffy blanket before shuffling to the kitchen like a zombie. Noah was standing in front of the hob. I walk up behind him and wrap my arms around his torso, leaning my head on his back.

Noah chuckles. "I knew you'd like my bacon. It must be good if it can drag the sleeping beauty from her bed." Is all he says. I just grunt in response like any other tired and currently emotionally unstable girl would. When he doesn't hear me laugh like I'd usually, he turns around. I look up to his face solemnly. "Are you okay? Is it about that stupid college douche?"

I half smile and breathe quickly through my nose to resemble some type of laughter. I shake my head. "I'm fine. I'm just... tired, I suppose."

"I'm going to be honest and say that most girls I get with is only for like one night, but with the ones I have been with for longer have taught me that when they say 'they're fine' it means they want a hug so..."

Then Noah tackles me. I run, laughing. He jumps on me, tackling me into a warm hug and I fall onto the couch before me. He lays on top of me with his arms around me. "I give the best hugs."

I smile, putting my arms around him. Just forget about the past, Auden. It's over and done with. This is your future. "you also give the worst bruises." I inform him, chuckling. Noah instantly hops off. "Sorry, chick."

All of a sudden there was a loud hiss from the kitchen. "Crap, the bacon!"

I curl into a ball, wrapping myself in the blanket I had on the comfy couch. Today, I was going nowhere. I just needed Hazel. Maybe not Rachel, as she doesn't know. Hazel and my big brothers know.  He certainly knew when my brothers found out when he woke up the next morning with a bruise the size of Russia from my brother, Luke.

Luke likes to have a front that he's all hard and owns a heart of steel, but really he's a big softy - and very protective of me and even Isaac, who wouldn't say boo to goose unless the goose chased him first. Then you'd have to prepare for war. Isaac style. Which means you're about to be slayed by the sass-master that is my brother.

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