Twenty Nine

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The door clicks and Noah creeps in, the same lost look on his face like the picture. Tears welled up in my eyes but like usual, I refused to cry. Noah opens his mouth to speak, smelling of vodka, but I cut in. "I know, Noah. I know you kissed that girl and know you got so drunk because of me."

Noah's head droops. He then looks up. "Chick, I- "Don't even bother, Noah. I thought we were closer than this."

Noah argues. "We are!" he shouts. "This wouldn't of happened if I didn't damn care about you!" I shake my head. "Noah, you really don't get it, do you?" I scoff, half smiling but tearing inside.

" I want to be the place you come to when you're sad. I want to be the one who makes you feel better. Not drinks, not some blonde bimbo!" I shout at him, angry now.

"Sometimes messes occur, chick. Stuff happens!" Noah throws back. "I just... can't come to you. Dudes are different."

"Messes do happen, Noah! But instead, you should come to me and we can clean it up. But by doing this? You just created a whole different mess of its own." I start off calmly, but my rant progresses into yells. Noah puts his two hands to both temples on his head. "What he did to you was screwed, Auden. You can't just ignore that and go about your day. I won't freaking let you die inside because of the past. You don't have to hide from me!"

"I didn't hide, Noah! There's a difference between lying and simply not opening up, you know."

"Auden, I care about you so much – it's like you telling me this has just built up some kind of... thickness in my stomach that constantly is just driving me to just go mental and livid in my own skin!"

"Then talk to me!" I screamed, speaking louder than I have all night. "I said it earlier; I want to be your escape when you sad, or angry, or annoyed! I've dealt with all of this Noah – all of it. Don't push me away right when I pulled you closer!"

Noah just rolls his eyes. "Right... Well, I'm going."                                                                                                         "Where to now? Going to find that blonde again?"

"Anywhere!" Noah shouts. "My room, the damn park. Anywhere." As he turns on his heel, I grab his arm. "What now, Noah? Is this fight over? Are we meant to forget about this in the morning?"

"If everything bothers you so much Auden, maybe you should just forget about everything altogether. Me, you – everything."

"So..." I trail off to breath, ready to say the words I never wanted to say. "So this is it? We're over?"

"Yes! Damn, Auden. We're finished. I'm done."

I breath a sharp breath out with my mouth like a scoff. "Right, okay. Bye, Noah." I gulp, turning on my heel and walking to my room. I shut the door behind me and as I leaned against the cold wood, something happened that I swore would never happen again. I cried. I sobbed until no more tears would fall, and I slid down the door until my body hit the ground, where I cried some more.

This can't be happening. He's Noah. He's my gorgeous, sarcastic, piggy-back giving boyfriend. And he's... gone.


HA - I left you on a cliffhanger. Okay, okay - don't hate me!

QOTC: Did you cry? 

That's an odd question but I literally sobbed as I edited this. I don't know - maybe it's because I created these people. Don't forget to vote and comment for me so I know you enjoy reading what I thoroughly enjoy writing <3 Yeah, silent readers. You too!

                                                          -Belle x

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