My Bed.

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Copyright @ 2013 By Shelbsters15. All rights reserved.


Hi there!

I'm so happy that there's some people voting! :D

I thank you! You all are awesome, and keep voting!!

I hope that this story is good... I really hope it is. :)

So, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty please vote!

And comment too, cause commenting helps tons!!


-Shelby. :)


~Chapter Two~

"You can't just stay in your bed forever... You have to eat, and shower sometime."

I push the pillow deeper into my face to try to block Uncle Frank, and Aunt Maddie out.

Just leave me alone!

I feel someone grab the pillow, and try to pull it from my grasp, but I hold onto it as hard as I can, not letting them take it from me.

It's been three days since I have been here, and I haven't left my room since that first night.

At first, I tried to lock myself in, but they had the key. So, I decided to stay in my bed.. Forever.

"I'm going to call your Mom." Aunt Maddie threatens. "You're going to be starting school here soon. You can't stay in bed."

I still don't move.

"Fine. I'm calling your Mom." Her soft footprints exit the room, and I hear Uncle Frank sigh.

"It's really not that bad, you know? We're just trying to help you." He tells me, quietly.

'Help me'? I don't need help. I'm perfectly fine.

I turn over on my side away from him, and I hear him move around.

"We really do care about you, Lyric. You're our family. We just want to see you get better." I feel my bed shift as he sits on it. "We don't want you to get in trouble. Just, please, please get up."

My head starts pounding, and I almost, almost get up, but I just close my eyes, and try to block him out.

Be strong.

"-ah, she won't. Can you talk  to her?" I hear Aunt Maddie's voice say from the hallway, and I sigh, sit up, and pull off the covers.

"She's getting up." Uncle Frank calls to Aunt Maddie.

Yeah, yeah, you won. I want to say.

I hate my life.

Aunt Melody walks in the room, holding the cell phone away from her ear, and smiles. "Awesome." She brings the cell up to her ear. "Never mind.. She's up. Sorry for disturbing you."

I'm glad that I don't have to listen to my Mom... Her voice would've been like a screeching chalk board. Nagging me, and putting me down, until I break down in tears.

Uncle Frank stands up, and walks to the door. "Well, I guess I'll give you a little privacy so you can get dressed."

He smiles, and I just glare at him, causing his smile to waver.

I have to live here, but it doesn't mean that I have to like it.

I do feel a little guilty for treating them this way though... They are very nice, and they don't have to let me live here, but they do anyway.

But, I don't care about anything anymore. I want to die.

You see, after I lost my voice, David broke up with me. He said that he didn't want to go out with a voiceless freak.

And Heather.. Well... I haven't talked to her since that night. I tried to text her, but she wouldn't respond. I apologized, and apologized, but I guess she really did mean what she said, when she said that she wouldn't be there for me.

So, I'm voiceless, friendless, boyfriend-less, and parent-less.

Why can't I also lose my life?

Uncle Frank gives me an apologetic smile, which starts another flame in my chest, and slowly closes the door.

After he closes the door, I punch the wall.


"Why did you punch the wall?" Uncle Frank asks me, while slowly running his hand down his face, and letting out a very long sigh.

My bottom lip quivers, and I pull my hand closer to my chest as pain shoots up my arm.

We're sitting in the waiting room, at the E.R.

A teenage guy, who's sitting across from  us, stares at me weirdly.

It's probably because I look like I haven't taken a shower in three days.

Actually, I haven't taken a shower in three days, so that's probably why he's staring at me.

I give him a dirty look, and he looks away from me.

"What are you looking at?" Uncle Frank asks me, and he looks in the direction of the boy. "Can't you ever be nice?" He asks me.

I give the dirty look to Uncle Frank as my answer.

"Don't look at me that way, Lyric." He demands, narrowing his eyes at me.

I think I'm finally getting to him.

I look away from him, and I can feel the boys eyes back on me.

The boy looks to be about my age, but he has light green, spiky at the top, hair, and he's wearing a red shirt, and light grey pants.

He looks like a weirdo.

Either that, or a hippie.

"Hi, there."

Uncle Frank and I both turn to look at him, and neither of us say anything.

He smiles a half smile. "What happened to your arm?" The boy asks me.

I glare the best that I can at him.

"She punched a wall." Uncle Frank answers for me.

"Oh, so it's your hand?"

"Yes." Uncle Frank answers, once again, for me.

Green hair boy looks at me curiously. "Why did you punch the wall?"

He's asking too many questions.

Uncle Frank looks at me too for this question, and I look to the ceiling.

God? Why did you have to put this guy here across from me? Why couldn't you put him somewhere with some other person? Like a clown?

Okay, the reason I punched the wall? Was because I was so mad. I had to take my anger out somehow. But, my plan backfired when I broke my hand.

I close my eyes to try to block them two out, as they start having a conversation about something that's not important.

"Lyric Martin?" I hear a Nurse call.

I immediately stand up, and walk towards the Nurse.

"It was nice to meet you too, Lyric!" The guy calls after me.

Oh great. He knows my name. Hopefully I won't ever see him again.

I don't turn to look at him. I just keep walking.

I don't know what was up with that guy, but I didn't like him. There was just something.. I think it was how many questions he was asking.

He seemed like a creep.

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