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Copyright @ 2013 By Shelbsters15. All rights reserved.


I am horrible.

I haven't updated in two weeks, and I'm sorry. :(

Please forgive me!

I'll try to never do that again... But no promises, lol.

Well, here's another chapter, and I really want to thank the people who have voted and commented. You all are the best!

Keep it up! :D

Now on to the chapter!


-Shelby. :)


~Chapter Three~

"Okay, you're all set. Just remember, you can't take a shower for a while until we take the cast off."

I nod my head at the overly happy nurse, and she grins at me.

"Okay, here's your discharge paper."

She has said 'Okay', about twenty times in the past half hour.

I slowly raise my left hand and take the paper from her, and she pats my hand, now looking serious.

"That must be difficult for you... Not being able to talk and all. I know I couldn't handle it." She tells me.

I clench the paper in my hand, and give her the best smile that I can.

Hey, I don't want to be rude...

"Thank you." Uncle Frank laughs nervously, and takes the paper from me. "And I bet she would be saying thank you if she could."

I hate it when people talk for me.

"Okay, well, ya'll have a nice day."

It turns out that I didn't break my whole hand. I only broke my pinkie, middle, and index finger. I also sprained my wrist, but I would have to say that my fingers hurt worse.

The doctor looked at me strangely when he found out that I punched the wall... And then he offered me some anger management therapy, of which I turned down kindly by shaking my head.

She shows us the exit, and we walk back into the waiting room, to get to the front desk, and I see that the strange boy is still there, reading a newspaper.

What is he still doing here?

He suddenly looks up, and his face glows when he recognizes us. "Yo, look who it is.. My ol' buddy, Lyric!"

I look away from him, and stare straight ahead of me until we get to the front desk.

"You're going to treat your best friend like this? After everything we've been through?" The boy calls after us.

Does he have a screw loose? Who does that? He doesn't even know me! I haven't even said one wor-

Never mind.

Uncle Frank gives the receptionist my discharge paper, and he signs a few things, before she tells us that we can go.

Hospitals gives me the creeps. I've only been in one once, and that's was when I had my accident.

Dared.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora