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Copyright @ 2013 By Shelbsters15. All rights reserved.


Hi, all you readers!

I am so excited, I had ten votes on my last chapter! :D

Yes, ha-ha, it's not much, but it's more than what I thought I'd have!

Thank you for voting and commenting. :)

Don't forget to press on that little button up there and vote!


-Shelby. :)


~Chapter Eight.~

"So, Lyric. How was your first day of school?"

I look at the older lady, and blink.

She stares back at me, and then pulls her medium length grey hair away from the frame of her face. "I know you can't talk, but you can at least write." She pushes the pad of paper closer to me.

I'm not writing.

I look down at my hands instead of her.

Mrs. Bloom, the School Psychologist, clears her throat. "What's so bad with writing, Lyric? I know you're upset that you can't talk, but embrace that fact. Show people that you don't need to talk to be normal."

My hands ball in fists, causing my nails to dig into the palm of my hands.

Shut up, Lady.

I don't want to 'Embrace' anything. I just want to go home and crawl in a ball for the rest of my life.

I hear her chair creak as she sits back. "I know hearing this is causing you to be upset, but you need to hear this. There's nothing wrong with you."

How does she know? Is she in my position? Does she know what I'm feeling at this very moment? Does she know how bad it feels to know that all your friends think you're stupid, or your Mom thinks that you're a failure as a Daughter?

No. I don't think so.

The air suddenly is knocked out of my lungs, and I stand up.

I have to get out of here.

"Where do you think you're going?" She asks, her voice rising slightly.

They think I'm so crazy, that they sent me to a Psychologist. How am I normal?

Tears prick at my eyes as I grab the doorknob and start walking out, ignoring Mrs. Blooms call to come back, and her saying something about how our time isn't up.

My life sucks.

On the way out of the School, I run into Brianna, the girl who was with Jared at lunch.

"Oh!" She gasps. "I'm sorry, I didn't see..." Brianna trails off as she sees the tears trailing down my cheeks.

I try to step around her, because having her see me crying is not the best thing for me right now. She'll probably tell Jared, and somehow, he'll find me and bug me until I die. But, I'm not able to shake her off as she steps back in front of me.

"Are you alright?"

At first I'm taken off guard, but then I narrow my eyes at her.

Like she cares.

 I'm so much in the moment, that I don't realize that I'm pushing her out of my way, and she falls flat on her butt.

She gasps, and stares up at me with her mouth open. "You B-"

I don't hear the rest that she says, as I take off running away from her.

Running is what I'm always doing.

I run from everything, and everyone, and I don't plan on stopping.


Uncle Frank rubs his temple with his thumb and index finger.

Every time I came to visit, or they came to visit, I never ever saw him as stressed as I have now. I'm probably worse than his own children.

"It's your first day..." He winces like what he's about to say is going to hurt him. "And you have already gotten in trouble two times, and you have pushed a girl?"

I look down at my hands.

It could've been worse.. I could've gotten in trouble three times.

He sighs, and drops his hands to his knees, leaning forward. "Can you please explain to me, somehow, why you left in the middle of your Psychologist appointment, and didn't come home until two hours later? Do you know how worried we were?"

The School can be really big tattletales.

I slowly shake my head no, because I really am not in the mood to try to explain how I stayed in the park after I ran away from Brianna, and watched families playing, pretending like I was part of that family.

"Lyric," Aunt Maddie says softy, placing her cold hand on my bare arm. "We care about you. We just want you to start cheering up, and acting... Acting... Well, acting like yourself again."

 I tear my arm away from her grasp, and give her a dirty look.

She doesn't get it. None of them do. I'm never going to be myself again.

Uncle Frank clears his throat, calling my attention back to him. "Because of how you're acting, and how you're trying to push yourself away from people, the Doctor told us that we should take this matter into our own hands, and push you towards people." When I raise my eyebrows, he continues. "We've invited some people from your School over for dinner tonight."

My mouth drops.

They what? That's... That's so embarrassing! I can't believe they did that!

I stand up quickly off of the couch. There's no way I'm going to be downstairs whenever they're here. I'm staying in my room.

Uncle Frank stands up too, and grabs my wrist. "And don't you dare even think about staying in your room." I try to rip my arm out from his grasp, but he's holding onto me too tight.

"This is for your own good." Aunt Maddie says quietly. "You'll thank us someday for doing this."

I close my eyes, feeling the stinging of tears behind my eyelids.

What I want to know, is who is coming over.

My head starts pounding like it normally does whenever I'm under a lot of stress.

I take a deep breathe, open my eyes, and nod reluctantly.

Uncle Frank looks at Aunt Maddie and smiles with relief. Suddenly, seeing them smile like that, makes me feel a little better.

Maybe, just maybe, this won't be so bad...

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