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Copyright @ 2013 By Shelbsters15. All rights reserved.


Hello readers!

Okay, I know I do this every chapter, and you're probably thinking that I'm just thanking ya'll for voting, because I have to, but I really do mean THANK YOU. :)

I was so happy with how many votes that I had the last chapter! Fourteen votes is not a lot to some of you, but fourteen votes is the most I have had on any chapter that I have in this story. Once again, thank you! :D

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-Shelby. :))


~Chapter Ten.~

One week later, and I'm basically a zombie. Correction: An invisible zombie. In School, and out.

What I've learned to do, is just go along with everyone else. If someone tells me to move, I move without any smart remarks. If someone calls me a name, I just walk away with a blank look on my face.

At home, I do the same, except I stay in my room most of the time, with my door unlocked so they can come and go without any problems.

I've decided that I'm done being the 'problem teen'. Everything will go smoother, and calmer if I do what they say. Then as soon as I graduate, I can move as far away as I can, and deal with my own problems, by myself.

Come to think about it, Jared has left me alone ever since that one day, which is also one way it's easier for me to stay invisible. I don't have anyone trying to get me to talk, or be their friend.

I thought about apologizing to him, and explaining more about what happened to me, but I'm just going to leave it.

He's leaving me alone! That's good... Right?

My pencil, that I'm using to write with, snaps in my hand, causing a few of the people who are around me to lift up their heads from their writing, and look at me.

I feel my face heat up slightly, and I reach down in my bag to pull out a different pencil.

While I'm in my bag, I check my phone and see that I have another text from Heather.

Heather and I have been texting off and on ever since last Tuesday. She told me how she felt bad that she wouldn't text or call me back the whole time that I was begging her to, but she just couldn't get up the courage to do it. She told me that she wanted to teach me a lesson.

I told her that she definitely taught me a lesson, and I should've listened to her.

She told me how David is dating Clara Hemingway now, and how she confronted him the day she found out, and yelled at him for what he did to me.

I almost started crying reading that. Even whenever she was mad at me, and not speaking me, Heather was still sticking up for me. I don't deserve her as a friend, and I told her that... She just told me to shut up, and that I would do the same for her.

But.. That's the thing.. Back then, I don't think I would do that for her. But, I've changed. Now, I definitely would.

The bell rings, jumping me out of my thoughts, and I drop my phone silently back in my bag.

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