Chapter Fifteen

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I continued to consume the heaven that was in my hand, silently.

Realising that I was being looked at, I turned and met Rafe's gaze. I thought I saw something in his gaze, but when he realised I was looking at him, it was gone.

I looked down at the fruit in my hand...then looks back to at him. Then back at the fruit. Then I held it out.

"Would you like some?" I asked.

Rafe's expression went blank and the softness behind his eyes shuttered and I stilled, unsure of what I'd just done that had caused this change.

"Do not flatter yourself." He said, his expression matching the cold, detached look I had seen on the Ass (the blonde C'Riel who was around Kylee all the time).

I held my hands up, fruit and all, in the universal surrender gesture.

"I didn't mean whatever you think I mean," I told him.

His eyes narrowed, "And what do you think I am thinking?"

I shrugged and continued eating, my gaze trained out of the translucent space on the wall of the Hover that allowed the passengers to look out, "I don't know what you're thinking, but clearly I said something that pissed you off."

"Pissed me off?" He asked, pronouncing the words slowly-slower than usual.

I threw him a glance.

"Yes," I said, before realising he wanted me to elaborate, so I added, "Angry."

His eyebrows pulled down slightly.

"Why did you say pissed off if you could have said angry?" He asked me.

I shrugged, looking at him, "Figure of speech." I said, before turning to look outside again.

I finished the fruit in my hand and then looked at the alien next to me.

He was still looking at me, his gaze a mix of seriousness and curiosity.

"What do you really know about the C'Riel?" He asked me.

I blinked, turning a little so that I could face him.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

His brows furrowed further, and I had the unreasonable urge to press my index finger to the furrow and smooth it out.

"Amour," he said and in that second when he said my name, he had my absolute and utter attention, "Do you know nothing about us?"

I blinked. And blinked again.

"Just the basics." I admitted.

Rafe continued to look at me and I felt compelled to continue.

"That you're similar to us in most basic needs. You need oxygen, you need water, you need air..." I trailed off when Rafe turned to mirror my pose.

"And?" He asked, prompting me.

I looked at him.

"And...that's all." I said, wondering what the hell else could be there for me to know about them.

A small smirk lifted his lips up and he murmured something in his own language.

My eyes narrowed and I held a finger up.

"Stop speaking in your language around me. What did you just say?" I asked, my eyes glaring razors into his.

His smile lifted up some more and his eyes trailed up my face to the top of my head.

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