Chapter Thirty Three

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Letting out a breath, I stood along with the others when the Hover slid to a stop and an announcement stated that we were at the final stop.

I stepped out of the Hover, wondering just how I would get to Ren.

I was then approached by a dark haired female C'Riel (dressed in a suit which looked like it was made from the material that the C'Riel I knew wear at night), who asked, "Ms. Hills?" to which I nodded-probably a little too eagerly-and she led me up and out of the Station.

I followed her and watched as most C'Riel (and the few humans who'd also taken the Hover) were all walking in groups, heading to wherever they needed to go.

I realised that the C'Riel before me was doing the same and I followed silently, wondering at the differences.

After what felt like a year of silently trekking the trail with all the other people, I finally decided to talk.

"What's your name?" I asked the C'Riel who'd been assigned to escort me.

She looked at me once before looking back before her, "Humans can call me Rey." She said.

"Rey, did you walk all this way just to pick me up?" I asked.

She looked at me again, "Yes." she said.


"I'm sorry for the troub-"

She cut me half way with a curt reply, "I have been assigned Escorting duties and I have done no more than anybody would do if assigned Escorting duties."


My eyebrows raised and my mouth shut. Clearly Rey was not the talking type. Or the talking-nicely type.

I don't know how much longer we needed to walk but by the time we reached wherever it is that we were going, I was sure I was going to have dropped a pound or two.

"How come you don't have Hovers?" I asked Rey (who hadn't even broken a sweat), unable reign in my curiosity anymore.

Rey threw me a cold look before answering.

"Hover Transportation is only for the Privileged." She said.

The what?

"Who are the Privileged?" I ask, knowing I was digging the proverbial social grave in her book, but I had never heard of this term.

She came to complete standstill. I stopped too, wondering what I had said wrong this time. She stared at me and I stared back.

"You are the Privileged." She stated.

I blinked for a few more minutes, "I'm sorry...I still don't understand."

"You are from the Privilege District." She said.


"And...what District is this?" I asked, my eyes flickering around me a little.

Her spine stiffened, almost defensively, "The Worker District." She said.

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