Chapter Twenty Five

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No computerised voice warned me that I had only ten minutes to bathe; I guess Rafe didn't have that restriction.

But I stuck to it, because the restriction applied to me. I bathed really fast, unsure how long I had before ten minutes were up because I didn't have the computerised voice to warn me.

Dumping my wet suit into the compartment that opened up for cleaning (having already removed my communication device and placed it outside), I pulled out some soft cloths from the adjacent compartment to wipe my body and cover my hair in.

I pulled on Rafe's night suit and I sighed as the soft material caressed and clung to my skin, shrinking from Rafe's size to fit mine.

I wrapped my hair in a cloth and dumped the other wet cloth into the compartment with my wet suit.

I stepped out and looked at the wall that depicted the time. I let out a sigh of relief. I had only taken nine minutes.

I stretched and yawned, going in search of Rafe in the connecting room.

I stilled when I stepped in.

This room was a computer genius' version of Disneyland. There were screens covering every inch of the wall, depicting symbols I didn't understand, attached to the wall at the height of my waist was a large semi-circular glass-like slab with something that looked like a touch keypad on it and finally a large cushioned chair in front of it that was facing away from me.

When a wet nose nudged the back of my hand, I looked down, "Hey, big guy." I whispered, still eyeing the things around me in awe as I rubbed my hand over his head.

I looked around for Rafe when I saw another Identity Screen to my right.

My jaw dropped. He had two bathrooms?

The unfairness of it all.

A small voice in my head said, At the cost of being electrocuted? No, thanks.

Good point, brain.

I figured Rafe must be bathing as I yawned again, heading back out to the main room with Ryx at my heels as I wondered if I could sleep anywhere for a few minutes.

No way I was taking the bed, that would be way too weird.

The couch on the other hand...

I walked to the couch, and settled on it, lying back and I realised the couch was gigantic enough to fit Ryx next to me even if I was sleeping on my back.

I tapped on the spot beside me, rubbing my eyes. Ryx hesitated, but when I tapped again, he got on and settled his big body beside me and I threw one hand over him. I was sleeping sideways, Ryx's tail curled around my thigh, his snout next to my face as his deep breathing and the warmth he threw off lulled me to sleep.

The soft sound of words I didn't understand brought me partially back to consciousness, as I felt Ryx get up and off the bed. My eyes opened and I met fire and coal as Rafe sat on his hunches in front of the couch.

"What time is it?" I asked, sitting up, the cloth  unraveling itself from my hair and my hair falling down around my face.

I rubbed my eyes and yawned as Rafe said, "Time for you to leave."

I looked at him, stung, but didn't let the feelings show.

I just nodded and got up. I stretched, running my hands through my hair, pulling it up to the top of my head into a messy bun. I walked to Ryx, leaned down, smacked a kiss to his snout and whispered words of good night, grabbed my communication device and started to head to the door. Then I realised I couldn't get out without Rafe opening the door for me.

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