Chapter Thirty

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Just as we grinned at each other, for the second time today, Ryx and Rafe both turned to look at the entrance again. I sighed.

"I don't think I can handle more drama," I confessed quietly.

He threw me an amused look before heading towards the entrance, Ryx at his heels.

"Is it Anya?" I asked, as I turned around, giving my back to the entrance, as I stretched my arms up and let out a yawn.

"No." a male and slightly familiar voice said.

I stilled and turned around and my eyes widened to see...

Rafe's father and Ace.

My eyebrows rose as Ace attempted to temp down his smirk, by covering it with a cough, his red eyes practically dancing with mirth. I cleared my throat as I met Rafe's father's amber and black eyes that were...not amused. Not amused at all.

"So, this is your friend." He said.

He said friend like I would say...whatever. As if I was something inconsequential.

I had to admit though, it was nice of him to speak in English. God knew no one could understand their language. 

"Actually, his BFF." I corrected, as I walked up to stand beside Rafe, my arms crossed.

I immediately knew Ace understood what I meant, because he promptly broke into a fit of coughs trying desperately to hide his laughter. But Rafe and his father had matching expressions of confusion, as they tossed Ace a look of concern mixed with suspicion.

It was weird to watch father and son together. I grinned at Ace, once he got a control of himself.

"You okay there, buddy?" I asked him, smirking.

Ace snickered and Rafe looked from me to him, his brows furrowed.

"What is BFF?" Rafe's father asked, saying the three letters even slower.

"Best friend forever," I said, grinning.

Rafe's father's brows rose.

Rafe cleared his throat and his father looked to him.

"She is here for her own security purposes." He explained.

"The Health Centre is secure." He said in response.

Rafe tilted his head towards me, "Not enough for her. She escaped...again."

"Again? Meaning I happened more than once?" Rafe's father asked, his eyes, so similar to his son's, slipped to mine reflecting shock.

I just smiled weakly.

"Not my best moments." I admitted.

"On the contrary, I found it hilarious." Ace interrupted.

We exchanged smiles and suddenly all I could see was shoulder.

Specifically Rafe's. Wide. Silver suited. And magnificent.

I blinked.

How are shoulders magnificent, Amour!?

I don't know how, but Rafe's sure as hell were.

I leaned over his shoulder to look at him, but he moved further in front of me so he blocked me completely.

I raised my hands in exasperation, rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"What are you doing?" I whispered, but I was ignored effectively by all the three men in the room.

Shaking my head, I turned on my heel and headed to the CG Room, stomping away in indignation.

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