Chapter Eleven

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"So you think I should take it slow?" Blake asked me after an awkward silence passed us.

I nodded, "You don't spring out a date on a girl, you'll scare her away. As lame as it sounds, some girls like to be courted." I explained.

"Courting, isn't that for old people?" Blake snorted.

"You mean people who've been married for ages? Yeah courting, it's romantic and shows girls like Sophia that they're worth your time." I picked up my bag and hitched it on my shoulder.

"Where are you going?" Blake asked standing up too, towering over me.

He was pretty tall. I mused accidentally getting lost in those blue orbs he calls his eyes.

It was funny. While I was acting  like Sawyer, Blake was nothing but a pain in my butt. A jerk I had to deal with. Sure he was cute, but looks only got you so far.

But as Vivian, he's really a guy. Not a teammate, not a jerk, not some guy who's helping me in exchange for Sophia.

I don't know who he is.

"Come on." I said clamping on his wrist and dragging him away with me. "We're going to practice a few things."

Blake didn't ask any questions as we climbed into his car. I gave him directions to a park I had become familiar with in the past few weeks.

"Why are we at skyward park?" he raised his eyebrow when he parked the car.

"You need practice and I thought you'd like to do it without your friends watching." I shrugged pulling him towards a picnic table.

"Okay so how does this work?" he asked nervously. I cracked an unintentional smile.

Nervous Blake was a sight to see. I'll never get tired of him.

"Pick me up." I answered.


"Pick me up Blake." I said flatly.

Then without warning, Blake scooped me up in his arms bridal style. He literally picked me up. What an idiot....

"What are you doing?" I giggled before slapping my hand over my mouth. Dear Buddha, did I just giggle? I don't giggle, I laugh!

"What you s-said to pick you up?" he stammered tightening his grip on me.

"I meant make me swoon. Flirt with me jock head, not carry me off into the sunset." I explained tiredly.

"Oh." he nodded setting me down again, "That makes more sense."

"Are you always this ditzy?" I raised my eyebrow.

"No." he scoffed. "You just confused me is all."

He was fidgeting again.

"Blake relax, take a deep breath and relax." I said calmly rubbing small circles on his back. I did this all the time when my mom would have panic attacks. Blake stiffened under my touch but soon eased into it.

"I'm relaxed." he exhaled after a long comfortable silence.

"Good. Now I need you to pretend i'm Sophia." I said retracting my hand. Instantly I regretted it, not because Blake looked on the verge of passing out, but because I missed his warmth.

"I can't!"

"Why not?" I said calmly.

"She makes me nervous." he admitted.

"Pretend it's just you and her. She seems like a nice girl, she won't hurt you." I coaxed him.

He sucked in a deep breath and finally met my gaze. Blake's blue eyes melted into a soft puddle of admiration. It was breathtaking.

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