Chapter Forty Four

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"I should get going. I still have one more thing I have to do before the sun rises." I yawned, really tired. Ty yawned after me, and stretched his arms out, collapsing on his bed.

"Good, because I'm really sleepy right now, and rejection is exhausting." He said bluntly. I frowned, and made a move to apologize again but Ty chuckled, stopping me. "I was kidding Vivo, relax."

"Ty, I really want you to know that I'm really sorry-"

"Seriously Vivo, I'm going to be okay. Now go find Orton and tell him you choose him. He can't stay mad at you long, that guy is crazy for you." He waved me off, "I'll be fine, I swear." he nodded. I stood up and hesitated at the door.


"Yeah, Vivo." he answered.

"When did you know? When did you know you loved me?" I asked, curiously. I knew I wanted to end this night without any what if's. This was one of them.

Ty stared at me, the way every girl wanted to be stared at. With gentleness, wonder, and awe. Then I remembered that was the same look he had given me in the diner during thanksgiving break. Only now, I realized that I didn't want him to look at me like that, because he was going to find a girl who would stare at him with gentleness, wonder, and awe too. It's just, that girl wouldn't be me.

"I think it was when you asked me to keep your secret, and you asked if I could ever be separated from Sophia. That's when it became real." He answered honestly.

"You'll find a girl..." I smiled, then I cheekily added, "or boy, you know I don't discriminate."

Ty laughed and threw his pillow at me, "Worst friend ever!"

"Or perhaps the best?" I winked at him, tossing his pillow back.

"Definitely my best."


Sophia had stolen shotgun from me, and I was stuck in the back of the car like a kid. I would have been fine with her tagging along, if she and Sawyer stopped with all the puppy talk.

"This is so romantic." Sophia sighed, dreamily. "You're the best big brother in the world for helping out Vi, like this."

Sawyer smiled broadly, and puffed out his chest, very much full of himself. I groaned and molded into the backseat, crossing my arms in front of my chest, irritated. "I try." Sawyer shrugged.

"For fuck sakes." I grumbled.

"So what's the plan guys?" Sophia asked excitedly, turning in her seat to include me in on the conversation. I shrugged, completely stumped.

"I dunno, but I know I'm not climbing any ladders anymore." I shuttered, I hate ladders. I'm done with them. Never again.

"Wait, you're saying that you don't have anything planned? Are you crazy Vi? This isn't how the rom-coms work." Sophia chastised me, like a disappointed parent. My mouth hung open, Soph was really emotionally involved wasn't she? "Vi, if you don't have a romantic gesture he won't respond. Guys don't like to admit it, but they like all that emotional 'love you long time' bull."

"We do not-" Sawyer scoffed, Sophia turned to him and stared at him flatly.

"Oh really?" She raised her eyebrow. "Do you want to tell your sister how you spent the last half hour trying to recite a poem you stole from Lang Leav?"

Sawyer let out an airy scoff and said nothing else. Sophia smirked at me triumphantly, proving her point. But the truth was, I had no big romantic gesture. All I had was my truth and my choice. I may have picked Blake over Ty, but did he choose me?

Dude's A Lady?On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara