Chapter Twelve

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"Mom and dad, what are you guys doing here?" I asked incredulously.

Mom and dad sat on opposite ends of the couch. Ty, Sawyer, and even Nicky put a barrier between them. All three of them looked as uncomfortable as me.

What in the world are they doing here? Mom wasn't supposed to come home until this weekend and dad....well what in the world?

"We could ask you the same thing Vivian." Mom said raising her eyebrow.

Oh shit.

"I-I" how do I get out of this one? Nice Vivian, you have officially sealed your fate. How's dreary ole London sound to you?

"She came because she finished her studies early and wanted to spend more time with me." Sawyer saved me. I knew mom and dad would believe him. He was always convincing enough, how do you think I ended up with a double life?

"Is this true?" Dad asked me skeptically. Of course they could never possibly think I could achieve much.

"Yes." I lied squared to his face.

"How is this clothes stuff you have going on pumpkin? Do you like Gabby Foyle?" he asked trying to break into small talk.

I groaned. This was dad's way of saying my ambitions of being a designer was ludicrous. I bet his father thought the same thing with his music producing.

Mom wasn't fond of my dream of being a designer. She thought the job was for airheads. But nonetheless at least she made an effort to stay involved unlike dad. She was proud of my scholarship unlike dad who thought it was a waste of time to even apply.

"Good dad and it's called Maddie Dale." I answered shortly, "So you never answered my question, why are you here dad?"

"Um I think this a better conversation for later." he said pointedly.

Just then Ty stood up awkwardly. "I should go, my parents are waiting up for me. It was nice meeting you all." he said hastily.

I stared at Ty blankly, registering he was still here. I completely forgot, I smiled and moved over to hug him when Sawyer beat me to it noticing my potential mistake.

"Thanks buddy, I'll see you in school." Sawyer said hugging Ty. It was quite humorous when Ty looked like he wanted to pry Sawyer off with a spatula.

"Later....dude." Ty coughed awkwardly before he turned to me, "It was nice meeting you Vivo." he smiled knowingly.

Mom and dad took in the whole scene differently. Mom looked like she ready to fart out pink sparkles, whilst dad glared at Ty planning his death and making it look like an accident.

"I'll see you around Ty." I nodded with a small smile.

Then there was one left....

We all stared at Nicky hoping she'd get the point. Obviously not, since she sat on the couch fiddling with her phone. Finally my brother made his move to convince his girlfriend to leave us alone. He told her to wait in Sawyer's room until he finished down here. She huffed and sashayed out as both my parents and I repressed the urge to roll our eyes.

She narrowed her eyes at me. Me for crying out loud! It's not my fault this was a family matter.

The clock turned another minute, and it was official- my life is a sick joke. I'm not a whiney brat, I refuse to be that girl who makes a big scene for no reason. But this was complete Bullshit coming from my parents. I was outraged that they thought i'd be happy. If anything I was frustrated at both of them!

Dude's A Lady?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें