Chapter Sixteen

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The cake on my lap was enscribed with a sloppy apology. It read,

We're sorry for blacking out, almost killing that guy and giving you a tattoo.

I glared at the trio when the last part registered in my head. My eyes went wide with shock and I looked to them for answers.

"What the hell happened last night!" I demanded angrily. They all looked at each other sheepishly and worked together to fill in the gaps.

"Well it all started after our seventh shot."

"We all danced in a thriller flash mob."

"Then things unraveled from there..."


"Did you see that skeleton or was I the only one?" I giggled holding onto Lewiza for support as we both laughed.

"He went for that ridiculous back flip combo and fell flat on his face!" Lewiza choked on a sob of a laugh.

Chloe emerged from the crowd with a long pink flute. She drunk from the flute leisurely taking in Lewiza and my state. She raised an eyebrow at Dom and Antoine who were smirking at us.

"What's with those two? They look like they're about to piss their pants." She asked.

"They're light weights and they're drunker than my aunt flo on Christmas." Antoine answered.

I was not drunk for the record. If I was I couldn't walk a straight line whilst saying the alphabet backwards.

"Ugh Vivian, what are you doing?" Dom asked.

"I'm proving my sobriety...duh." I answered her going back to saying the alphabet backwards, "Z,Y, D, A,E,I,O,U."

"That's not right." Chloe muttered.

"No I didn't think so either." I agreed after a moment.

After awhile we grew tired of the party. The tunnel had became too crowded and the good drinks were long gone. I think I even saw a group of homeless guys grinding on a group of greek nymphs.

"Where to next ladies?" Antoine asked as we aimlessly walked through the city. It had grown late and even though the city was still alive, many looked ready to head home.

We did not agree.

"We should go to 7/11 I'm thirsty!" Chloe whined.

"You sound thirsty." Antoine joked. Chloe blinked not getting the joke.

"Well yeah I haven't had anything to drink since those shots. I lost count already....wait. Are we going to 7/11 or not?" she scratched the back of her head and actually got her hand stuck in the red curls. "Ahh help! My hair is eating my hand!"

We all laughed hysterically as Dom the most sober out of all of us helped poor Chloe. She shrieked when Dom ripped a chunk of her hair to free her hand.

"My head hurts."

"Sorry, my brain is only half functioning." Dom admitted wearily.

"Look a store!" I shouted pointing at the small corner store. Chloe soon forgot about her head and skipped....the girl was wasted already, I mean she literally skipped to the store.

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