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Dedicated to bluehead124

PJ Characters belong to RR

Apóvli̱tos POV

I followed the trio of pink heads. The man lead us to a cabin made of oak wood. It was the size of a two story house with a chimney. Beautifully crafted windows with the sun light shining on them creating multiple rainbows inside and out. He opened it up and his wife and daughter shuffled in. I paused outside warily. I quickly looked it over, after what just happened my trust issues shot sky high. The man smiled gently and coaxed me in. Hesitatingly I took a step inside.

I was met with a simple house. Soft pink rugs, light blue couches and chairs, and an outstanding piece of glass, so big, but like a tv of sorts. I glanced around but saw no remote. The kitchen was white with drawers of mint green. Lights hanging from string with covers of shells. Pictures on the wall, but not photographs, paintings. Painted by hand with all sorts of colors, including some I have never seen before.

Their house was outstanding, I saw a spiral staircase in the corner. The railing was circular with water flowing through it as the stairs were rainbows themselves. Little designs of the Suns they had were located on each side of the steps. I was shocked out of my stupor when I heard the door shut behind me.

Panic over took me as I jumped and spun around. The man was there standing tall. I stumbled back breathing heavily. The walls were closing in on me. I tripped and was sent to the floor. He advanced on me, I scurried backwards. My vision blurred, I couldn't tell if I was looking at the Zne or Hyperion, Alcyoneus, and Polybotes.

The world started spinning rapidly. Darkness was closing in on me. I could hear her screams. I could feel the pain, the humiliation, the defeat. I was vaguely aware of someone yelling at me to calm down. How could I when I was surrounded by all this horror? I was engulfed in terror, I couldn't move. Then a hand on my shoulder jolted me out of my fright. Instantly I grabbed the hand and twisted it off my shoulder painfully behind the back of my attacker. I heard another scream as my attacker grunted in pain.

"Apóvli̱tos" My attacker muttered. "Are you okay?"

I paused. Why would my attacker ask that? I blinked a few times and the world shifted back to reality. I got a look at my attacker. Hot pink hair, sea blue eyes, all white clothing. Immediately I dropped all contact with him and back away shakily. It was the Zne. After I let go his family rushed to him checking him to see if he was okay.

I turned to the wall closest to me and leaned against it resting my head on the wall. With trembling hands I gripped my hair. My legs felt weak and shaky. What just happened, one moment I was back in Tartarus, the next I was here. I took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry." I channeled around the room.

I sunk to the floor. When I lifted my head to meet the concerned glance of the father, I was instead faced with the girl. She was crouched by me observing me curiously. Her eyes were sparkling. Slowly she reached over, unsure of her intent was I leaned back warily. Focusing on her actions, she continued to pursue her task. I froze watching her carefully.

She touched my face caressing it as if to calm me. Then she smoothed back my messy sweaty hair getting it out of my face. I relaxed a little, but then she touched my mask nudging it off. Instantly I grabbed her arm stopping it. Gripping it enough to stop her, but not enough to hurt.

"Don't." I channeled. She tilted her head confusedly.

"Who are you really?" She asked quietly. I looked at her.

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