Zne Council

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Dedicated to AllyCat110

PJ Characters belong to RR

Spet's POV

A gold glow surrounded the boy and he disappeared from the air only to reappear on the soft pink sand with the water lightly lapping at his feet. He appeared unconscious with the mysterious purple robe covering him. Nobody made a move towards him as they let what the planet said sink in. He was a Twizne, not entirely a Twi or a Zne, but both. Finally after awhile I decided to take action concerning this youth.

"Psut, Ari, bring Apóvli̱tos to our spare room and get him comfortable." I said turning to my family.

My wife and daughter nodded walking over to Apóvli̱tos gathering his clothes and weapons and rushing off to the house. Everyone watched them leave, they had to stop a few times because the robe kept slipping off his nude body. Once the door shut to my house all eyes were on me.

"Will all Zne leaders join me in my house for a meeting." It was not a question.

They followed me leaving their clan to my cabin. Their people dispersed with mine. When we have our annual meeting, it would switch from region to region of where we hold it. So our clans mixed going off in their usual matter when we bring our clans together as one.

They retreated to the town probably to talk about the event that just occurred. Once we arrived to my home, I ushered my fellow leaders in and shut the door behind me. That's when I got bombarded by questions where no ears besides my family's and ours could hear.

"Who is he?"

"Where did he come from?"

"What happened before I arrived?"

"Why does he wear a mask?"

"Why does he look like a Twi?"

"Is he dangerous?"

"Why did the planet claim him?"

"Does Chaos know of him?"

"Silence!" A powerful voice cut though all the loud frantic voices of the Zne's.

We all turned startled. There stood the boy cloaked in the robe which he dared not tie together, but he stood proud as his old eyes swept over the council of Zne. My daughter stood behind him with a hand cautioning him and my wife came scurrying out of the open door that lead to the spare room with his clothes in hand.

That's when the rest of the council realized his voice did not come from his mouth. The male leader from Beaves stepped in front of his spouse shielding her from any potential harm. The female from Yamp put a hand on her dagger sheathed at her hip. The single male from Pesert reacted on instinct swiftly drawing his crossbow and shot an arrow before I could protest.

Like in slow motion it sailed through the air straight and true towards the naked earthling. My wife's eyes widened as she watched our daughter scream and jump in front of Apóvli̱tos. I could only watch as it kept flying through the air until it was an inch away from her heart. When suddenly Apóvli̱tos who hasn't reacted at all reached out and touched my daughter on the shoulder.

She disappeared before him and reappeared behind her mother. A sword sprouted from thin air into his hand as he used the flat side of the blade to divert the arrow where it flew into the couch. Silence ensued as my spouse weakly griped Ari in her arms hugging her tightly with little rivers of water flowing down her face as she told herself that her baby was alive. My daughter just froze in shock in her mothers arms realizing she was still alive, saved by Apóvli̱tos.

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