What I did for love

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Dedicated to Bee & Shay ShaylynnArnold + LadyTempus

PJ characters belong to RR

Sol's POV

After Apóvli̱tos left the room we all turned our attention to Durp. He watched Apóvli̱tos leave smugly, but when he felt the burn of our glares on his figure he turned and glared right back at us. Suddenly Apóvli̱tos weapons disappeared from the table top and some of us gave surprised yelps. It was silent for a few minutes after the initial shock of the weapons disappearance and the room regained the taste before it happened, all the tension building up, before it exploded.

"How. Dare. You." Ariel said with barely controlled anger.

"You imbecile!" Belle scolded, fury pouring off of her.

"That wasn't your business." Levi said backing up his spouse.

Spet and Psut just looked disapprovingly at Durp standing behind their daughter who was shaking in anger. Durp was just sitting back in his chair relishing all the insults and disapprovals thrown at him. He lazily lifted a hand freezing the incoming criticism, we all wanted to hear his disgusting defense to his awful act. He smiled wickedly and narrowed his eyes at us.

"For your information," his words slick with a touch of despise "I dared because I can, and I was just being safe." That's went I had enough of it.

"Safe?! You were being safe?! How?! How is that vile act of yours called being safe?!" I all but sneered at him. To think he was leading the Peserts. He smirked.

"You never know who someone really is until you break down the walls."

"Is that why you tricked him into talking about the horrific scars on his body when he clearly wanted to avoid the topic?" Now this was just an interrogation between Durp and I with the mystified silent audience.

"He could have gotten them denying End and eventually gave in." Durp replied with a knowing glint in his eyes.

"What is it with you and End?" I exclaimed out up with his arrogant attitude.

"You don't know what I know," Durp sneered. "He is rising and anybody could be with him. All that power the boy has, there's no way End would ignore that and not try to get Apóvli̱tos on his side. I had to check."

I ground my teeth in anger, because there was a hint of truth in his words, but that didn't mean he couldn't have checked a different way.

"You didn't have to check that cruelly." I hissed. "Could have gone with a different tactic." He shrugged nonchalantly

"I was curious." Was his pathetic reply.

Before we could start another round of accusations a blood curling scream came from the direction  Apóvli̱tos went. We all froze at the sound of terror. Like all women had, a sense to protect a child, Belle and I rushed towards the screaming boy with the others close behind. When we arrived we were met with him sitting upright shaking like a leaf and tears flowing down the already made tear tracks.

He turned to look at us jumping at the sound of the arrival. Absolute terror flooded his eyes and I'm pretty sure he only saw Belle and I. Cold sweat covered him from head to toe, his weapons on or next to his bedside table. His combat boots next to the bed, he was dressed in the same clothing before the planet took them. The blankets were everywhere and his pillow somewhere else.

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