Chapter 2

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"What time does the bus leave?" Nate asked the next morning.

I had got up this morning and put on a random top and jeans. I gave up on trying to look 'normal' ages ago, I had no one to impress.

"In about ten minutes." I mumbled.

Ten minutes later, I followed Nate out of the door. I locked it and we walked to the bus stop in silence. He was about to say something but I put my earphones in. I'm not ready for his insults yet, I mean it's not even nine.

When we got to school, he threw on a fake smile and went over to his mates. I walked into the school and put my things in my locker. At lunch I sat in the library and was wondering why he and his mates hadn't picked on me today. I still have the random names in the hall from the head cheerleader Tiffany who seems to hate me, probably because she likes Nate. She always follows along with his name calling and pranks and stuff, but not the usual insults from the male plastics.

At the end of the day I still hadn't had any insults and I walked to town to get a drink from Costa. I sat in the coffee shop and drank my drink, then I went to the game shop and walked to the back of the store where they keep the posters and looked through them. I have empty spaces on my walls that need filling. I chose a poster of The Flash and a poster of Harry Potter, then I went to pay. After that, I trudged home where Nate was sitting on the doorstep.

"Where have you been?" He asked.

"I went shopping down the high street. I didn't know you was going to come straight here." I said as I opened the door.

"I know. I've just had a bad day." He said as he looked to the floor.

"What, wasn't able to pick on me for your entertainment today?" I asked as I walked up the stairs.

"What?" He asked.

"You heard me." I muttered.

"It's not for entertainment." He said as he followed me up.

"Well why are you always laughing about what you say or do to me? It looks like entertainment from my point of view." I snapped.

I went up the second set of stairs. "Because I just do. It's hard to explain, I can't tell you." He replied as he walked up behind me.

"Why are you following me? Do you not understand that I hate you?" I shouted.

"But I don't want you too!" He shouted back.

I was a little shocked at this sentence. "What?" I asked.

"Nothing." He mumbled.

"Fine." I replied. "Why are you here anyway? You haven't given me an explanation as to why I am letting you live here, in my house." I added.

"My parents kicked me out." He mumbled.

"What?" I asked. "Why?"

"They said that I was a disgrace, and that they hated me and that they didn't want me living in their house anymore." He muttered.

"But I thought they loved you. You were their little boy, they saw you as perfect." I said.

"A lot has changed. They argue now. They can be violent, especially when my dad has been drinking. He tried to hit me once but I managed to run out of the room." He told me while shuffling his feet against the floor.

"I had no idea..." I trailed off.

"No one does because I haven't told anyone." He said as he looked up at me and I noticed he was crying.

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