Chapter 12

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The next morning, my mum walked in as she would on a usual day.

"Hey umm Maya, would you mind coming to an event with me tonight? I know you don't like wearing dresses but-" She stopped when she looked up from her phone and looked at my bed.

She froze for a minute with her mouth open and staring at us because me and Nate were in the same bed, cuddling up to each other while he watches TV on my bed television with his shirt off (because he got warm last night) while I read.

We all just sort of stared at each other for a minute before she sorted herself out. "Maya honey, what are you doing?"

"Reading." I shrugged.

She nodded. "Clearly. But what I meant was, what are you doing with him?" She asked as she pointed towards us both.

"Leaning on him?" I suggested.

"Look, I know I may not be in with the times but you don't have to be to know that what you are doing is not leaning on him. Are you two... dare I say it... dating?"

"Look, when you have been gone recently, we have learnt new things about each other that we never knew before. For instance, he told me that he has loved me for ages and thats the reason he bullied me." I felt him tense up beside me as soon as I mentioned the bullying. I put my hand on his to help him remember that I have forgiven him for it and he relaxed.

"I know that. But why Maya? I thought you were smarter than this. Even if he has loved you all this time, he still bullied you." She replied.

"He apologised." I snapped back.

"Oh, yes, because one word can get rid of years and years of hurtful words and hatred."

"It wasn't just that, we talked it all through, we discussed everything-"

"So?" She cut me off. "One conversation and you're fine? After all this time?"

"Yes!" I replied. She stared me really hard in the eyes before turning on her heels and storming out.

I ran after her, in tiny shorts and a vest top. Not the best thing to climb out of bed wearing after sleeping with your boyfriend that your mom clearly does not like.

"Mom wait!" I called out after her. She paused on the stairs.

"Does he really make you happy?" She asked.


"Does he really make you happy?" She repeated.

"Very. Mom, I love him." I replied.

"I can tell you do honey. I just don't want you to forget what he did to you." 

"I already have. It doesn't bother me anymore."

"Well it should. Where did all the hatred go?" She asked.

"Out of the window and down the street." I replied quietly. "I love him and he loves me."

"I know, I could tell by the way you two were together just then, I could tell by how forgiving you are being. I could see when you were little that he had a thing for you, that he liked you. I can also tell by the fact that he tensed up at the mention of the word bullying. You might have forgiven him, but he hasn't forgave himself." She replied.

Her words shocked me. I took a little step back, my face a portrait of confusion.

"I can tell you are happy though and I guess if you're happy, then I'm happy. Now, will you come to this event with me? You can bring Nate and you don't have to welcome guests, just say hello to a few people and look pretty."

Just like that, we were back to normal. I let out a sigh of relief and smiled. "Okay, if I have to." Mum smiled and then she trotted off down the steps.

I went back upstairs and told Nate that I had sorted it out with her.

"I know, I heard." He replied. "It's true you know, I haven't forgiven myself for what I did to you. She was right. What I did was wrong, I don't deserve you..." He trailed off as he looked at the ground.

I practically ran across the room towards him. "Don't be ridiculous, it doesn't matter what you did to me, I have forgiven you. You deserve me just as much as anyone else does." I replied. He shook his head and I decided to continue. "At least you were paying attention to me, it doesn't even matter how. Plus, what you did the other night with the meal and things, even though it was take away, is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. It made me feel really lucky to have you." I told him as I looked up at him. He was still looking away from me so I gently lifted his chin. "I don't care what you did to me. I love you." I told him. His eyes looked right into mine and for the first time ever I could see everything.

They say that eyes are the windows to the soul and they, whoever 'they' are, would be correct because you can see a persons emotions through the eyes. Happiness, sadness, anger. You name it. Right now, in Nate's eyes, there is a muddle of different feelings.

"Really?" Hope.

I nodded. Happiness.

"But I was so awful." Sadness, anger, frustration.

"I don't care." Confusion.

"You do, you have to." He said.

I shook my head. "No, I don't. 'Forgive and forget'. It's something my dad says."

"I can't. Not quite yet." He sighed.

"Maybe one day." I replied.

"One day." He nodded with a slight smile.

I leaned in and hugged him as tight as possible without making it uncomfortable and he did the same. "I'm so, so sorry." He whispered in my ear. I shook my head and held him tighter.

When we eventually pulled away, I told him about the event tonight and he agreed to come. He needed a tux so we went out to buy one and I brought a new dress since I don't have many and I don't want to wear one of my old ones.

While we were walking through town, we walked past Tiffany who scowled at me but quickly looked away as I sent her one of my death stares which Bailey says could kill someone if I stared hard enough. I just laughed at that but it seems that its powerful enough to scare off Tiffany so anything's possible.

We made it to the shop and he got a tux fitted. It was a pain black one and he had a white shirt underneath. I paid for it and we then went on a hunt for a dress. It took us three stores to find a good one.

After we brought it, we went to subway and had lunch before going home.

Time to get ready.

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