Chapter 8

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We made it to my gates and I led them through the side gates. We then walked up my drive and they were all looking up at the size of my house. "It's huge!" Jade exclaimed.

"That's what she said." Bobby mumbled.

"It's not that big, now come on, come inside." I said as I opened the door and let them in. "Up to my room?" I asked as I started to walk up the stairs. We got up there and we sat down on my sofas and then we decided what film to watch. I went downstairs and grabbed some sweets, popcorn and drinks for everyone and we sat down to watch Kingsman.

We ordered pizza when the film had finished and we ate it while telling funny stories and jokes. It was a great way to get to know everyone.

I asked the girls if they wanted to stay over but only Bailey and Jade could. The lads and Harper left at about 9 and I set up two airbeds for the girls and I grabbed them a pair of pj's each.

We got ready for bed and then we stayed up to watch The Longest Ride. It is such a good film and at the end we each had tears in our eyes.

My mum came in and I introduced her to Jade and Bailey and she said hi. I explained that they invited me to join their math team and that's how I became friends with them. She eventually left and we settled down since it was around 12 and we just watched TV for a bit. At about 2 in the morning, we shuffled onto the beds and fell asleep.

That week at school was the worst. Nate was even worse than before. I had another shower on Monday, I got literally shoved in one of the large gym lockers on Tuesday and missed a whole lesson before someone let me out, I got covered in paint on Wednesday, another shower on Thursday (luckily I left dry clothes in my locker since Monday - I think he's starting to run out of ideas) and today is Friday, which I am dreading.

I saw his followers turn the corner and I sighed. Here we go.

But he wasn't there. Bailey looked at me a little funny. I can tell she's thinking the same as me but we both have no idea where he was. On the one hand, I was relieved to have a day off but on the other, I wanted to know if he was okay.

I had such a relaxed day, walking around, not having to always look over my shoulder and just having fun. I still had the odd comments but they were easy to ignore.

Me and the group are coming to mine again because we have a huge piece of maths homework (all the classes were given the same one to prepare for mocks) and we were all going to work on it together.

After school, they all came round to mine and we put the music channel on and just talked. We started our homework after we ordered chips from the chippy and when we finished our homework, we just sat and talked and put a film on. It was about 12 when the doorbell rang.

"Who would come at this time of night?" Hayden asked.

"I don't know, Mums at a business conference so she won't be back until Sunday morning and Dads never here so who knows." I shrugged as I went to answer the door.

I opened it and saw Nate. It was dark but I could tell it was him from the fading light on the porch. His hair was messy and I couldn't see his face properly. He spoke in a very quiet and horse throat, as if he hadn't drank in days. "Can I come in?" He asked.

"I have company." I replied as I went to shut the door.

"Please, if you don't let me in, I'll just sleep out here on your doorstep." He replied.

"I can't. They will see you." I replied.

"Please Maya, i'm begging you." He said.

"Fine, the back doors open, go round the back, in through the door and silently make your way to the guest room you were in last time." I whispered. I saw him nod a little and I closed the door.

"Who was it?" I heard them ask from the other room and I rushed in.

"Just someone that my mum works with, he came to drop off an 'important letter' on his way home from work." I lied. They all nodded and believed me and then I heard a beep from outside.

"That would be my mum, she said she would pick us all up since it was late." Bobby said.

"Oh, okay." I nodded. "Makes sense."

"Yeah, we have to go but we'll see you at school on Monday." Hayden replied.

"Okay, see you guys." I said as I let them out and stood at the door and waved.

When they had finally gone, I walked up the stairs. Time to see what Nate wants.

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