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"Go, Lavi!"

Lavi planted his hammer down and looked upwards, "Shin (extend)!" His grip on Lenalee and Chaoji tightened as the hammer extended upwards. The debris was starting to fall at a rapid pace now faster than before, Allen was still down there, keeping Tyki busy.

Allen, Lavi thought, Stay alive, please.

Lavi reached the top floor and there, unharmed, stood Road's door. Gently, he let go of Choaji and Lenalee and made his way to the door. Only with a brief moment of hesitation, he opened the red and black checkered door.

Lavi looked at Chaoji Lenalee. "Hurry, go through."

Lenalee looked at Lavi. "But, Allen. We can't-"

"Lenalee, we need to get you two out of here at the very least, if not, Allen's efforts would have been for nothing. Hurry, go."

Lenalee looked down and nodded. "Understood." Supporting one another, Chaoji and Lenalee limped their way through the door, not before Lenalee looked back longingly.

Please come back to us Allen. With that, the Exorcist and Acommodater walked into the next dimension, the door closing behind them.

Lavi peered down the hole that they had come through and shouted out to Allen. "Allen, we need to go now!"

"I'm coming, Lavi!"

Lavi let put a sigh of relief. About time. The building was crumbling down, pieces of the tall building slowly breaking apart and falling downward. The debris was being spiteful and had started to affect Lavi's lungs. He coughed. The sound of weapon against weapon could still be heard down below between Lavi's coughs and the noise of the falling debris.

Allen, where are you?

As soon as he thought that, Allen came shooting out of the large hole, Crown Clown extending. Allen showed no signs of any fatal injuries but Lavi was not easily tricked anymore, he knew Allen was probably seriously hurt and was only hiding it so he didn't have to burden anyone else. Allen landed next Lavi, and smiled brightly.

"Let's go, Lavi," the snow-haired boy said softly. Lavi nodded. They hurried there way to the door, Allen trailing behind Lavi. Lavi opened the surprisingly light doors and looked back at Allen. However, before he could do that he felt a strong force punch him through the connected dimensions. Lavi slowly turned around to see Allen looking apologetic, mouthing some thing. Lavi didn't catch it as the doors closed with a loud BAM! that shook Lavi's balance sending him to fall on the smooth floor of Edo, Japan.

Lavi's mind was not on the pain he felt everywhere on his body, rather than the fact the door was nowhere to be seen and Allen was not beside him,


Allen slowly hung his head as Road's door crumbled, I'm sorry, everyone. He knew that if he went with the others, Tyki would have followed and destroyed them just to laugh at Allen's pain. Allen balled his fists. He could not let that happen. He wouldn't burden them any further.

As Allen gathered his wits, Tyki's hair lashed around Allen's waist pulling him down the hole once again. Allen gasped in surprise as the piece of hair tightened to the point of pain. More pieces came out of nowhere and encircled the cursed boy, successfully capturing him. Allen moved and struggled to get out of this predicament and in turn, Tyki tightened the strands tight enough to have Allen cough blood. The blood left a bitter taste in his mouth.

What confused him was, why wasn't Tyki killing him?

"Good evening, Fourteenth."

Allen's eyes widened.

"Millennium Earl."

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