My Letter About Your Beauty

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Dear Violet,

You're blind, I swear you are. There is no other explanation for it. You were saying how you weren't beautiful and my jaw almost hit the floor. I had to physically restrain myself from yelling about how you're practically a Victoria's Secret model, and your obssession with Cara Delevinge by the way is adorable.

You're always the right mix of fit and hourglass figure; curves of hips and biceps. On top of that you're funny and lovely and give the best hugs. You make me smile and just seem to know what I need and when I'm upset and no one else can do that but you.

Why of all people did you have to come into my life? I am both grateful to know you and so miserable that I do. How can I still do this? In the middle of an existential crisis and suffering from a lonely misery. Even though I'm surrounded by people, friends and family, I just feel so alone and I feel that it's the depression kicking in again. Lord I hope not. I can't go through another spell like last time. I won't make it through again.

If only I just knew what to do about you and what to do with myself. If I only I knew that I had some hope in a successful happy future but I just don't. And how can I? Up until now everything has just been horrible.

But I can't just give up my life because of some anxiety. I know that but I sometimes wish... Nevermind.

It doesn't matter.

I hope that you're happy, even though I know I'm not, and I hope you never get the way I am right now or have to deal with this horrible unrequited love stuff. This is physically painful and I know that that sounds ridiculous but... It actually leaves an ache in my chest.

I don't know why I'm writing all this stuff down anymore but I guess I just need some way to get this out. I can't talk to anyone except for you, well the metaphorical you that reads these, about this. I just need someone to hear me even if it's only in my mind. I hope you're alright because I now that I'm not.

I don't know how many more of these I'll write. I don't think it will be many more because I feel like it's all just getting worse so I need to just leave these. I think I'll write just one more.

From the girl that you'll forget,

Letters to Violet (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now