Chapter 8

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Cameron's POV

Louise's Mom wrote back to me within a couple days. She was so happy that I could come on such short notice. She told me to visit them at Parkland Hospital. I knew exactly where that was. She also asked me if I could come down in the next three weeks. I said of course.

Three Weeks Later....

I'm packed up and ready to go to Dallas. I got the ticket about a week ago. I was so excited. I just have to be cautious of all the fangirls there. I left for the airport and about 25 minutes later, it came in sight. I quickly hurried so I wouldn't be late for baggage check. I made it just in time. I knew I didn't bring weapons but they were being cautious. After what seemed like forever, I was done with the security. I went to my gate and headed on the plane. Not a lot of people were on it. The great news was that there were NO teenage girls on it, so I could be in peace. The plane started for the runway. We took off. Dallas here I come.....

Louise's Moms POV

So, Cameron's coming to Dallas, today. The minute I received that letter, I felt so relieved. I didn't want anything more, than for Louise to be happy. I knew Cameron was on his flight and almost here. While we were writing back and forth, he asked for my number. I gave it to him so I knew when he was coming. We have been texting a lot at the moment, because he's almost here. I had to make up an excuse to Louise. I should say I'm going grocery shopping. Then, I go to the airport and pick him up.

I have half an hour to landing. Cameron just texted me. I should probably leave.

"Hey, Louise, I'm going to the grocery store to pick you up some snacks."

"Okay Mom. I'm going to take a nap." "Goodbye. I'm going to bring something you like back, it's a surprise I can't tell you though..."

A Miracle. {c.d}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora