Chapter 42

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Cameron's POV

Well, now that I quit Magcon, I will definitely have people mad at me. Possibly, a couple million. It bothered me a lot.

And yes, it was sort of Louise's fault, you can admit that.
I can't just come out and tell her that though. She would be heartbroken.

The whole Magcon crew was now back at the hotel, and I think it would be best if I broke the news. But, I'm going to trust my instincts, if I talk to Nash, maybe I can put the company's name into Nash's. I would probably come to some of the tours but, not all of them.

Louise was watching TV, but was really on her phone, scrolling through social media.

"I'm going to Nash's room." I said, so she didn't have to worry.

She nodded, and didn't bother looking up from her screen.

I left the room, and walked toward the elevator.

"So, tell me again, why are quitting Magcon exactly?" Nash asked for the 5th time.

"No ones appreciative, and I can't handle these bishy fans." I answered his question. " So Nash, if you're willing to, will you be the leader of Magcon?"

"Yeah, I guess." He answered. Not really excited. Yeah, I get it, its overwhelming, but you get used to it.

Nash and I went to the other room, where all the guys were at, and we explained to them.

After that, the guys had a confused face. I can't believe it had to end like this, but maybe God's having me quit for a reason. The thought made me look down at my bracelet. God has a plan was engraved on it.


I called the manager of the Magcon tour too, and surely, he wasn't happy. He was mad that we would get less money, at the shows, because I was apparently many people's favorite, and all they want to see is me.

He decided to let me quit, but I was quitting anyway. I also explained to him the whole Nash being leader of Magcon thing.

I made my way out of the room full of my best friends. I still have tonight, when I get to the room, in going to buy the plane ticket. I really wasn't in a good mood. I have a feeling I might snap, and hurt someone.

I slid the keycard into the slot, and the green light flashes, signaling that the door has just unlocked. I pushed it open, and found Louise sleeping, with her phone on her face. I heard it vibrate, it was none of my business, but I was so curious. I decided to not spy on her and her stuff that she was doing.

I pulled my shirt over my head because I needed to change.

After, I finished changing, I laid down in the other bed. I turned on the TV, and turned the volume down, not wanting to wake Louise. I clearly didn't do a good job on that, because she started tossing and turning, and eventually sat up, awake.

"Cameron." She said, not a question.

"What?" I asked, not really wanting to talk. I pulled out my computer I brought, and want to book a flight.

"I'm really sorry, again. I probably sound annoying for telling you this so much, and I'm sorry." I got really annoyed, even she knew she was annoying. Two Good minds think alike.

"Actually, yeah, it is your fault. I know that you know that, but I just need to clarify it. I am very disappointed in you, because you just need to make sure, that I drop everything for you. I had to leave the show for you. I had to quit Magcon for you. You made me quit something that I love to do!" I snapped. Louise had a shocked look on her face, and was almost in tears. I didn't feel bad, to be honest. I know I just acted like a doof, but it was just in the moment "A-and I don't think that you should have the right to do that. I never should've quit, because now there's no going back. Those guys, and the millions of fans, made me very happy. But I can't be with people that make me happy, you don't control me."

"Cameron, don't say that!" She yelled at me.

"You can't tell me what I can or can't do!" I clearly screamed, probably waking everyone within five rooms of us. I booked my flight. "By the way, you can find your own way home. I can't pay for your flight, because I don't have anymore money."

I felt bad for snapping at her. Kind of.

"Fine, I'll buy a bus ticket to drive me home. No thanks to you." She stood up and made her way toward her luggage. She packed everything up, and grabbed all the stuff laying around the room, that she could fit in her purse. She put her shoes on, and made her way towards the door. "Bye Cameron, and I think it's best that we don't see eachother anymore, sorry." She said making her way out of the door.

Bye Louise.

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