Chapter 4: The Couple of the Dark

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Chapter 4

The Couple of the Dark

|Outskirts of South Carolina,|

~3 Months Later~

--Percy Jackson's Point of View--

My cloak billowed behind me, following the will of the wind. I watched from up above watching the Hunters of Artemis roam around looking for the target that has escaped their clutch. In other words, me.

I was sleeping on a tree when they caught me. Which was a stupid move since I could just vapor travel though I did let them think they caught me. No harm in playing once in a while. It was interesting seeing their smug, and gloating faces. Their whole being glowing with triumph thinking that they caught 'The Dark Echo'. I don't even know where that came from, honestly.

They seem intent on trying to follow me, making me regret my small mistake of coming close to Thalia Grace. Somehow, it got to her that I know where Percy Jackson is. Which isn't a lie, since I was him but I left that all behind since it happened.

Oh well, anyone can have fun once in a while.

My powers have increased dramatically since the quest. I could control anything that has even the smallest particle of water, like the air since it has water vapor in it.

I could also disintegrate the monsters by controlling what runs inside them, the gold ichor. I don't need a celestial bronze since they blow apart and turn into dust. I don't know how that happens, but nevertheless it made the killing easy.

Things have changed.

I was addicted to hunting them down, fighting them. I was addicted to adrenaline. It was like a monster have been repressed inside me and just waiting for it to come out and now I've made peace with it. I accepted it wholly.

The monsters don't dare defy me for they know what's going to happen to them if they do.

I have a cloak made of pure darkness, making me have some sort of power like a son of Hades. The cloak concealed me in the darkness with the shadow wrapping around me. I could shadow travel in it. I could control monsters if I wanted to and I don't even have to use my water power. It's awesome.

How I got it?

It's quite a story, you see. It happened roughly 3 months after it happened.


I plugged in my earphones, the music blasting in my ears blocking out every single thing as I ran. I know that demigods aren't suppose to use technology but Hermes, after the Giant War, had invented things that we could use so we won't get track down.

I ran. The dark thoughts in my head being blown away, leaving for just a moment. It felt great, like for a short while I could finally take a deep fresh breath.

My footsteps thudded on the pavement rhythmically. My breathing even, not even tired for Gods knows who long I've been running.

Suddenly, I find myself almost reaching the cliff. I slowed down until I was walking and moved towards the edge of the cliff.

Every day, every time I see this place it always taunted me. It just sat there, while I gaze across the calm, dull ocean with spiky rocks underneath it. It's always here, calling me, mocking me that I was a coward. It taunted me, never ending. Waiting for me to take an extra step and to end all this pain. One step and a one or two seconds before it's done. I'm tempted but something always stops me.

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