Chapter 30.5: The Goodbyes (Finale II)

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Chapter 30.5

The Goodbyes

Finale II

Percy woke up with the sky still dark and the woman beside him still sleeping soundly. He tried, he really did, to go back to sleep but it wouldn't come to him. There was a nagging in the back of his mind, screaming to get his tush out of the bed and head to the city to check and answer the question that's been burning him ever since he got back on Earth.

And so he did.

He stealthily slipped out of the bed, changed into a casual human outfit before he portalled out of the room and into the living room. With footsteps so quiet, he walked to the front door and stepped outside. The smell of morning dew and chilly air greeted him like an old friend; just from his view, he could see the sun just slowly peeking in. Putting his hands in the pocket of his hoodie, yes, a hoodie, a casual clothes Percy hasn't worn in a long time, he began his walk.

At least ten minutes into his walk, Percy saw someone sitting on a bench near a lamp post with a sketchbook in hand. Percy stopped in his tracks, purposely making a sound. When the stranger finally looked up, he realized it wasn't a stranger at all. No, that blonde hair and grey eyes are all too familiar to him.

"Percy," Annabeth greeted, surprised at seeing the ever-so-busy man at this early hour in the morning. "You're up early."

"I could say the same to you," he replied, nodding his head towards her.

"Oh, just a sleepless night," she shrugged. "Where are you going?"

"Just some business to do," he replied vaguely, eyes narrowing at her effort at making a conversation. He nodded her goodbye and began to walk away. Even without looking at her, he could feel her internal battle in her mind. It took for him to walk past her to finally call out his name again.

Percy turned around with raised eyebrows and found her fiddling with the pencil in her hand.

"It's not like you're asking but..." she bit her lip, trying desperately to avoid his eyes but failing. "I thought you should know."

"Know what?"

"Given that you've been busy helping us with the war, I know you haven't had time -- or didn't want to-- go back to New York."

"Stop stalling, Chase, and get to your point."

"What I'm trying to say is that," she paused, gulping. "She's still alive."

She didn't have to put a name into it to know who she was talking about; Percy knew all too well. The whole time he'd been here, he didn't---couldn't bring himself to find out what happened to her.

"I heard what happened and I'm sorry about it. But, she's sorry about it. She deeply regrets what she did to you. She didn't expect what we did to you would happen nor would you disappear for half a century."

"Annabeth," Percy sighed, feeling another heavy weight on his shoulder drag him down.

"You don't have to force yourself and I'm certainly not guilt tripping you into anything. I just thought that you should know. She's not an immortal like us, Percy. You know that."

Percy opened his mouth to say something however, nothing came out of his mouth but Annabeth can read his eyes. She smiled softly, pulling out an envelope from the front page of her sketchbook. She walked towards him, took his hands and placed it in his hands.

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