Chapter 8: The Phoenix Dragon

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Chapter 8

The Phoenix Dragon

~Neulara, Origin~

*Percy Jackson's Point of View*

Chaos and I walked in a leisure pace doors after doors after hallways after hallways. I don't know where we're going, but I'm pretty sure he knows. I guess in a way, he's giving me a tour while we're heading to some destination.

"How?" I questioned after everything sunk in. Me being the commander of the Army, being the Primordial of all Primordial, and getting this awesome wings which have now shortened into a smaller size and being Chaos' son. 

"Hmm?" he hummed in response. His galaxy eyes swerving to meet mine.

"How did I end up on Earth if I'm your son?"

Chaos looked turned grim, his lips tightening into a straight line before saying, "War."


He nodded, the air had suddenly turned dark. "We had enemies and we were at war with them. Your mom and I had found out that they were targeting you to get to us so the only way for you to be safe was to send you someplace else. After months of analyzing, we finally agreed that Earth would be the choice and then weeks of looking for someone to take care of you." He took a deep breath, pausing to get the right word in. "The perfect parents. You were 12 then. We had transformed you into a baby, back to her womb to remove suspicion and added a few drops of Poseidon's blood since we didn't want you to completely be in the dark. We chose one of the Gods."

"Why Poseidon?"

"You were too powerful to have the minor gods blood in you. The Big Three was too, but it was enough. I couldn't choose Hades since he had two already and that he's too quiet and it might be suspicious. Zeus was too noticeable and we were afraid Hera might target you and that leaves Poseidon. Besides, you love the water anyway. Poseidon's blood or not so it was a perfect choice. We didn't want to send you away, but we had no choice. Your mom," his voice cracked. "She died in the war a few months after we sent you away."

I didn't say anything. 'I'm sorry' couldn't even describe the words I felt. That's why I felt something missing. Tears stung my eyes, but I forced them in, not wanting to show more. Memories flooded in me, with those 12 years I was with them.

Sometimes, silence is the best answer that no words could describe.


"Ah, here we are!" Chaos exclaimed when we landed on a giant door with fire design engraved on the door.

I frowned, "Where are we?"

Chaos smirked at me, "My son, your pet awaits for you."


"That is," he said, "If you manage to tame her."

"What?!" I exclaimed, staring at him in horror. He laughed, a warm-hearted jolly laugh.

"Don't worry, I won't let you get killed. Just go in there." With that, he pushed me on a human size door and closed it behind me. As soon as I stepped in, it was like I've been transported to some other place.

The place is just like Elysium. A place Grover would die for just to see nature like this though from far away, I could see a rocky mountain with lavas and such.

I walked cautiously, not knowing what I was supposed to be looking for. When suddenly, the bright sunny sky darkened. I look up and to my horror was a dragon flying above. It was a dragon covered in a fire like my wings.

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