Chapter 28: The Battlefield

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Chapter 28

The Battlefield

|| Fyna Sveira||

The Camp is surrounded by enemies...

The sentence hung in the air, heavy and thick. The scream of the battle outside became the sound that pierced through the tension-filled air and the evidence of my sentence. I bit my lip anxiously, waiting for Percy's orders. For some unknown reason, Percy kept details of some information from us; only privy to him and Lord Chaos. Which is why at this very moment as time ticks by in seconds, I can see the gears turning in his head before he looked at Chaos.

"Would you mind if we continue this meeting later, Dad?" he asked.

Chaos stood up, fixing his outfit for any invisible wrinkles before nodding, patting the Prince's back reassuringly, "Of course," said Chaos. "Be careful, star. I'll be in my office when you're done."

He grinned at me before nodding, just as I curtsied to him and he disappeared in a flash of blinding light. I looked away just as I felt a hand on my shoulder and next thing I know I'm in the cabin's armory with Percy who is now in full armor, weapons and all.

"Percy?" The man didn't answer, he just took things from what seemed like every corner of the room, placing them on the table right next to where I stood confused. "Percy, what are you doing?"

He approached me and stared at me dead in the eye, "Now, Fi," he said, "I hate to ask you this but can I ask you to go out on the battlefield?"

"I suppose I can if that is what you wish me to. Just what are you planning?"

"Believe me, I don't wish for it, but I have to put you out there. And I'm not planning anything groundbreaking, it's just the attack happened faster than I anticipated and so I have to keep up." Percy informed me as he snapped his finger and my battle outfit appeared in my body. He began busying himself strapping in the weapons and all, even when I protested, claiming that I can do it by myself but he simply waved me off. I gave in to what he wanted and just stood still.

"So, what is the plan?"

"I don't have an exact information since like all my spies have been caught and my other information resource have stopped communicating, but there are new monsters created that I don't think the campers can handle. Originally, I was going to be the one taking them on but plans changed, obviously. All the weapon I'm giving you is doused with elements that I'm sure can kill these new monsters and probably others. I've managed to do the same with at least two weapons from the Army."

"So, basically, I'm your replacement?"

Percy's hands stopped working on strapping a knife holster in my upper thigh. I met his red tinted sea-green eyes as he looked up at me. I could feel my skin get hot and my heart beat faster as every second that he looked at me felt like an eternity, especially with those resting lingering hands on my body.

"No, Fyna," said Percy, "You're my salvation."


After Percy had me all setup, we found ourselves close to the battlefield. It was a mess, that's to say, but it's nothing I haven't seen before. Living your life close to the prince and the commander of the universe has the perks of showing you the worst of the worst.

"What are you going to do, Percy?"

"I'm going to rescue my sister from her dickbag of a husband, just like I promised," answered Percy, looking back at the mass of campers and monsters mixed together.

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