Living With A Police Officer Chapter Thirty Seven

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Here it is, the long awaited chapter. Sorry for the wait, but I did say I was going to be away at camp. Next chapter could very well be the last. 


Chapter Thirty Seven

Drew’s POV

Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep.

A steady beeping echoes in my mind. My mind is blank of all thoughts except for the thoughts of Harmony.

Her smile, the way she looks extra beautiful when the sun was shinning down on her and when the wind blows her hair all over the place. My favourite part, her bright blue eyes. The eyes that could look right into mine and find the problem.

Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep.

I groan and my eyes flicker open. Sitting in front of my gaze is a familiar face streaked with tears. Sassy. Her brown hair is in clumps all over her face, her brown eyes are leaking tears and her face is smeared with running make up and tears. She’s sitting in Ian’s lap wearing only a nurse’s outfit.

Someone must have noticed the state she was in. Not like it would be hard to miss. A girl wearing only girl boxers and a bra.


Sassy’s eyes widen and her quiet sobs stop. She throws herself off of Ian’s lap and towards the side of the bed. Her warm fingers twine with mine and she kisses my wrist happily.

“Drew” She whimpers, “I’m so glad you woke up, I was worried you wouldn’t”

That’s the thing though. If Harmony isn’t okay, I’m not going to wake up again. No life is worth living if Harmony isn’t here to share it with me. But I have hope, I know she’s alive. She’s a fighter, she’d fight for me.

“Harmony?” I rasp wanting to know just that and nothing else.

Sassy’s smile and face fall, her hand holds tighter to mine. I grip her hand also scared to hear it. A tear leaks from Sassy’s eye and she shakes her head.

“She’s not doing good Drew” Sassy murmurs, “She lost a lot of blood. And the knife caught some of her lung, also, she lost the baby” Sassy lowers her head in sorrow.

My heart stops, “Whose baby was it?”

I knew it. I knew Blaine had raped her; the blood leaking from her core was an easy sure sign. Harmony never gave me a direct answer, but I could tell by the grief in her eyes that he had.

Sassy stares at me, “Well unless Blaine raped her at least a few nights ago….”

I couldn’t have been Blaine’s then. Blaine only got her in the evening last night, if that. Unless Blaine raped her before I slept with her, then the baby isn’t Blaine’s. Or wasn’t I should say.

“Holy shit” I whisper, “It was mine”

Living With A Police Officer *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now