Right in the jewels...

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In order to have a new preference, I was wondering if you guys could check out my Punk Harry AU story 'Words' and maybe help out with the votes/reads/comments?

Harry: “I can’t believe I’m beating you!” you exclaim as you walk to the last hole of the course. Harry takes your hand in his and says, “The student has passed the master, eh?” He smiles and kisses your cheek. Finally, you reach the hole and Harry takes his swing, the ball soaring down the course. When he turns around, a satisfied smirk plays at his lips. “I may make a comeback afterall.” You make a sarcastic smile at him and then you line up for your shot. You rear back and hit something. When you turn around, you see Harry clutching at his privates and he is doubled over in pain. You eyes widen and you rub his back soothingly, trying to stifle your laughter. “Alright,” he squeaks. “You win.” You laugh and throw your arms around his neck, kissing his cheek repeatedly while apologizing.

Niall: His blue eyes are twinkling as he lunges for you again. “Niall!” you shout as you run away from him. Finally, he catches up to you and wraps his arms around you waist. For a second you think everything is okay and then he starts tickling you. You squirm around in his arms, trying to get away. You maneuver so your faces are centimeters from one another. He leans forward and kisses you softly. Unexpectedly, he starts tickling you. You completely spas out and accidentally bring your knee up and hit him in his privates. You bite your lip and start stuttering out an apology. He groans in pain and walks around the living room and when he can speak he says, “No more tickle fights for me.”

Zayn: He decided that the two of you were going to have a dance off for date night instead of a fancy restaurant or another movie. He pulls out DDR and you’re up first. You get to the point where your score is so low you don’t care anymore and just star doing random moves. On accident, your arms go flying and you punch Zayn right where no man should be punched. He doubles over in pain with labored breathing. Your lips press into a fine line and your hands fly to your chest. “Zayn, babe, I am so sorry!” He can only wave his hand and grunt in response. When he catches his breath, he says, “No more dancing for you, missy.” You laugh and grip his shoulders lightly, trying to be as comforting as possible.

Liam: For your birthday, Liam figured you could have a fun, juvenile party with the boys. So, he bought ‘pin the tail on the donkey’, and a piñata. “Birthday girl gets the first swing!” Lou says, handing Liam the bandana for you to be blindfolded with. He gently ties is and your world goes black. He pushes you in the direction of the piñata after spinning you around in a circle three times and then he whispers, “Have at it.” When you swing the first time, you miss and you can hear the boys laughing at you. You poke out your bottom lip and swing again, making a fully three hundred sixty degree spin. When you come full circle, the plastic bat you’re holding comes in contact with something. You hear the boys take a collective breath and then a groan. You take off your blindfold to see Liam bent over, grabbing his groin area. Harry and Niall are rolling on the floor laughing and Lou and Zayn are almost there. Finally, Liam says, “There was no candy in that package.”

Louis: It was a beautiful day outside, so Lou suggested the two of you do something outside. He picked up a soccer ball and head-butted it to you. You caught it in your hands and headed outside. The two of you just passed it back and forth until Lou decided to haul off and kick it as hard as he could. You deflected it and it popped off your ankle and fell onto the grass. You raise your eyebrow and Lou flashes you a cheeky smile. “Sorry, guess I just got carried away.” He shrugs and you shake your head. In order to distract him, you point at the sky and say, “Look, Lou, a dead bird!” Quickly, he looks up and you kick the soccer ball as hard as you can. “Ha ha, very – OOF!” The ball connects with his privates and he falls on the ground in pain. You bite your lip and he squeaks, “Goal.”

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