First date...

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Harry: He picks you up and you two just stay in at his place and have dinner, getting to know one another the proper way. Then, when he drops you off, he says goodnight, puts a steady hand on your waist and kisses you softly. He sports his trademark grin when you pull away and he says, "We'll have to do this again soon."

Liam: He takes you to a small carnival and you ride the Ferris wheel, coincidentally getting stuck at the top of the ride for a few minutes, allowing the two of you to have a heartfelt conversation.

Louis: He takes you to see a comedian and ends up putting his arm around you. During the two hour car ride home you listen to another recording of the comedian off a CD that Lou bought you. When you get home, there's a permanent smile on your face and you repeat the jokes to your family all night.

Zayn: He takes you out to a quiet restaurant and the two of you have light-hearted banter. You're comfortable enough with him that when he asks if you'd like to go back to his flat and watch a film, you can't say no. He drives you home and walks you up to your door, kisses your cheek and tells you he'll text you as soon as he gets home.

Niall: "You're not like most girls, are you?" He asks as he pulls into a buffet parking lot. Your eyebrows knit together and he continues, "You do actually consume food, right?" You laugh at his statement and nod your head. He opens all your doors for you and only smiles when your plate is almost as full as his. When he drops you off at your house, he kisses your nose and pulls you in for a tight hug, promising another date isn't too far away.

I hope you guys liked it, although I don't own the One Direction boys! <3

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