3: Running Late

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2065, and world tensions were running high while resources for energy were running low. Power, and anything that created it, had become the most valuable commodity on the planet. While populations boomed, our traditional resources were consumed at an ever-increasing rate.

Coal and oil were all but outlawed due to their effect on turning the world's climate upside down. After all the cataclysmic storms, floods and droughts, that was one thing the world community did finally agree on. Solar and wind power seemed effective enough, but proved too limited to small regional areas to be considered a global alternative.

Instead, humanity turned to the oceans for answers. We'd begun to harness ocean currents, deep sea hydrothermal vents and even the motion of the waves themselves in an attempt to keep the lights on. The deeper we dared to dive into the unknown, the more scientific discoveries we made.

Of course this sudden interest in liquid real estate meant that countries were laying claim to parts of the world no one paid much attention to before. For a short while, international waters fell to wild west rule. Those with the biggest guns were awarded the resources. Skirmishes in international waters grew in size and frequency until we just about kicked off World War 3.

To prevent that scenario, the world's leaders met at the eleventh hour to redraw international boundaries. The 12 nautical miles from a country's coastline that marked international waters for centuries was now deemed too confining for modern needs. 12 miles grew to 25, which grew to 50 then 100 miles. The great water grab had begun. Politicians and Presidents argued, chopped and sliced the planet into pieces until there was no such thing as "international water". We not only claimed wide, we claimed deep and with that depth came experiments that attempted to answer the question, "Could we ever live at the bottom of the ocean?" The question no one thought to ask was, "Was there someone already there?"

Shafts of early morning sunlight beamed through the single window of the tiny studio-style quarters, revealing a freshly disheveled environment. Various items of clothing, both male and female, left a trail from the door to the tiny single bed; The top blanket of which, now lay strewn across the floor. The room, barren of any personal photos or effects, excluding paintings that could at best be referred to as 'hotel art', was clearly a temporary stop. The contours of the current pair of occupants were outlined by the remaining cotton sheets on the bed.

"Nick.", a young lady's sultry voice whispered.

There was no answer from the man, who appeared to be asleep. If one had to guess, Nick would be in his early thirties. His tightly cut brown blonde hair was tangled, and a two day stubble roughened his face.

Rising up from behind the man's bare shoulder, the woman whispered playfully, "Captain Nick.", this time nibbling at his ear.

Nick smiled and rolled toward the woman with a groan.

She placed her hand along his stubbled face and kissed him with a long, slow kiss.

"Good morning Captain.", she said with a pleasant smile, and an emphasis on the word "captain".

The man's eyes shot open with a sudden realization. "Morning.", he replied with a hint of alarm.

Upon seeing the brightness of the room, Nick's actions took on a more frantic pace.

"What time is it?", he asked in a slight panic, while at the same time reaching over on the nearby nightstand and grabbing an antique mechanical wristwatch.

"I don't know.", the girl replied. "I wasn't worried about..."

The time on the watch read 7:50.

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