38: Empathy

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The lights in Nick's quarters blinked to life as the door to the room slid open. Nick entered, holding his right side as his ribs throbbed with pain. He gingerly lowered himself to a seating position on his bed and slowly raised the right side of his t-shirt which exposed a large purple bruise.


Nick probed the area with his left hand until a sharp pain shot through his side.

"Ow.", he groaned as he grew more certain of the probable cause. "Just what I needed."

"Lieutenant Commander.", Syndi's voice sounded through the small cabin, "It appears you have broken your sixth and seventh ribs on your right side, along with some minor internal hemorrhaging."

The A.I.'s voice startled Nick.

"Yes Syndi, that is what it appears. What did you do, scan me when I entered the room?"

"No Lieutenant Commander, I'm simply observing the location of the severe bruising at the same location as your sixth and seventh ribs."

"You require medical attention.", Syndi added. "There is a first aid kit and other medical supplies in Lab 2."

While his ribs were more than a little uncomfortable, Nick had been through much worse in his career.

"Thanks Syndi, I'm alright. This is nothing."

"Lieutenant Commander Sheppard,", the A.I. interjected. "The injury may be more serious than you have determined. I can perform a much more detailed scan if you just go to Lab 2."

If Nick didn't know better, he'd swear there was more than hint of concern in Syndi's tone. The thought that Syndi was worried about him put a slight smile on his face.

"Syndi, really -- I'm good."

"No you're not.", she replied more forcefully. "Severe internal bleeding is considered a leading cause of trauma-associated mortality in humans. If untreated, severe hemorrhaging might lead to organ failure, seizures..."

"Syndi.", Nick interrupted. "Fine, I'll go. But only on the condition that you keep this between you and me."

The last thing he needed was for Jordan to find out he'd broken some ribs during their ride.

There was actually a noticeable pause before the A.I. responded.

"I fail to see why I am making concessions for something that benefits you -- but I agree to the terms."

"Good. Let me check one thing first.", Nick said as he turned slightly toward the computer puck resting on the nearby desk, causing more than a twinge of pain in his side. "Computer. Call Nathan Strong."

Nick knew it was a long shot, standard protocol dictated that Nathan or anyone from the ship would contact Deep Blue the moment they were in communication range and he hadn't heard a word. But with all the recent events, he had to try.

"Come on buddy. Pick up."

After several moments of unanswered communication beeps, the computer responded, "Commander Nathan Strong is unavailable for contact. Would you like to leave a message that would be transmitted as soon as communications are established?"


The Lieutenant Commander rose from the bed and slowly straightened himself to full height. Nick found it funny that he was conceding to the request of an A.I., a computer. That was something he very rarely ever did, but in this case the constant pounding in his side convinced him that she was probably right.

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