Chapter 15

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I didn't sleep a wink last night. My mind kept racing between Ryder and my heat tomorrow.

It sucks to still have heat. Heat only happens to unmated female wolves once they have come in contact with their mate. The heat pushes the male to mark the female, claiming her as his. This also helps to... you know... procreate.

When I was mated to Ryder, he marked me before I had to go through my first heat. However, ever since I had Carter, I basically get heat every other month. For the years I've been away from Ryder, my heats have become more and more bearable. But since Ryder and I have been in close proximity to each other the last couple days, I just know that heat this time around is going to be a total bitch.

I finally come to the realization that I won't be getting any more sleep. I climb out of bed and change into some leggings and a tank top before heading downstairs to make breakfast for Carter and I. I decide on eggs and sausage, one of Carter's favorite. It takes me about 15 minutes to cook everything. Once I finish cook everything and plate it, I turn to head to go wake up Carter.

But, before I am able to go up the stairs, a loud banging on the door startles me.

"Goddammit, Kara! I know you're here and if you don't open the door right now I'm kicking it in!" Ryder yells from outside, continuing his assault on the door.

I run the door and jerk it open, "What the fuck is your problem, Carter is sleeping!" I yell, closing the door behind me.

"Well, maybe I would have more patience if I didn't spend ALL night looking for you two!" Ryder yells back before taking a deep breath and running his fingers through his hair, "You two have been here all night, haven't you?"

"Well duh. If you were smart, you should've known where I was going to go. Did you really think I would be stupid enough to go back to my house? Do you really think so low of me?" I ask, before leaning against the front door.

"Well, I didn't know. Maybe you were stupid enough to go running to your boyfriend, expecting a pathetic human to protect MY son! At least the girls I've hooked up with could at least protect Carter!" He fires back.

I roll my eyes at his comeback before starting to giggle.

"What the fuck are you laughing about? Did I say something funny?" He growls, obviously annoyed.

"Yeah, actually. I'm laughing at everything you said to me about wanting to be with me, only wanting to love me, how you can't live your life without Carter and I...but you seem to be doing just fine with all your hoes." I say, leaning against the door frame.

"Oh, that's great! Be the little hypocrite you are! Hating on my lifestyle while you do the exact same with your boy toy!" He replies.

"Bitch my boy toy doesn't exist! I don't have the time to care for our son, maintain a full-time job, and have someone that makes me happy!" I shout back, and his face drops.

"So why did you say you had a boyfriend? Just to fuck with me?" He asks, taking a step closer to me.

I, in turn, take a step back into the house and shrug, "It's the only thing I could think of to get you away from me. Speaking of getting away from me, make sure you stay away. I would hate for your hoes to smell me on your clothes." I say, before slamming the door on his face, locking it quickly

"Kara! Open this door! We aren't done talking!" He starts yelling again through the door.

"Yes, we are" I call back, heading over to the couch to take a seat and wait for Ryder to leave before I wake Carter up.

It takes about 30 minutes for Ryder to realize he wasn't winning this battle. I hear him open the garage door and start up his motorcycle, driving off to who knows where.

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