Chapter 19

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Ryder texted me twenty minutes after he left saying he wasn't going to be home soon. I sighed, back to being the mate of an Alpha. I really didn't mind all those years ago, but that was before Ryder really took his title seriously. I had only been with Ryder for his first year being an Alpha before I was forced to leave.

I found Carter and we ended up heading to the pack house to hang out with Marley and Karley. I locked up Ryder's house and made the 10 minute drive to the pack house. Marley was waiting at the door when we pulled up.

"Hey Mar!" I called, stepping out of the car and letting Carter out. He immediately ran inside to go play with Karley. 

"Hey Kara. What's going on? Jacob was on patrol this morning and then suddenly Justus and Colten ran out." I followed her inside and head to the coffee pot which still has some warm coffee in it. I pour a cup for myself and turn around to lean on the countertop.

"I have no idea. Jacob called Ryder while we were having a moment and he also left in a hurry." I say, sipping the warm beverage.

"Wait, hold up. Back up. You and Ryder were having a moment...." She looks at me all giddy like she is a child in a candy store. 

"Girl you don't know the half of it...."

Over the next hour, I gave Marley all the tea of me and Ryder. From my night in heat to the dinner date, and this morning.

"Wait, Carter doesn't know that he's a wolf?" Marley asks.

"Yep, but Ryder and I will probably tell him soon. Seeing as we're probably staying of pack territory..." I say, slying slipping it into conversation that we're staying.

"Yeah its probably good to tell hi- Wait! You're staying? Like for real?" She asks, jumping up from her chair.

I nod, "You're looking at the unofficial Luna of the Crestmoon Pack again" I say with a casual shrug, but I have a huge smile on my face while saying it. It felt good to say it again.

"YASS QUEEN!" She  runs over to hug me "The dynamic duo is back!"

The rest of the day is pretty uneventful. We set up the pool in the backyard for the kids to play in so they were occupied for the majority of the day. We even invited a couple other kids that were Karley and Carter's age from school. It was good to see how well Carter meshed with the other kids, seeing how they were going to be his pack-mates for the rest of his life. 

The sun started to set so we got the kids inside and they were taking a shower while while we were cooking dinner. Marley was stirring a big pot of corn chowder and I was making the salad as we hear the front door open. The footfalls of heavy feet alert us who it is.

Just as I finished cutting up the lettuce, I turn around to see Ryder, Jacob, Justus and Colten make their way through the door and into the kitchen.

I feel two strong arms wrap around my waist, "hey baby" Ryder mumbles as he presses his lips to my forehead. I can hear Jacob doing the same thing with Marley.

"Hey, long day?" I ask while rubbing his back. 

"Mmhmm. I tell you later."

"Daddy!" The sound of two voices scream as they make their way down the stairs.

"Hello Princess!" Jacob replies, suddenly coming back to his energized self from the brink of exhaustion for his daughter as he picks her up and twirls her in the air.

"Sup Trooper!" Ryder calls as he lets go of my waist to fist bump our son. 

Justus heads straight for the fridge pulling out six beers and starts heading them out to everyone. I take a quick sip of mine before grabbing the salad bowl and bringing it over to the dinner table, "Okay everyone, time to eat!" I call out.

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