Chapter 16

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"I'm so sorry Kara for all the shit I've put you through" I hear Ryder whisper as he runs his finger down my arm.

I've been awake for about 5 minutes now. The moment I realized I was half-naked in bed with Ryder, I wanted to get out of there as fast as I could. However, before I had a chance to make my great escape, I felt Ryder stirring behind me. I instantly closed my eyes, forcing my body to stay still and keep my heart rate slow.

Now I'm here in bed with Ryder, pretending to be asleep while he unknowingly confesses his love for me.

"I'm sorry I rejected you. I'm sorry I forced you to raise our son on your own. I'm sorry I didn't man-up all those years ago to find you and fix the horrible mistake I made. I'd like to say that I can charm you and win you back, but I think I already know that's not going to happen. And that's my fault, I deserve it. I love you so much, Kara. When you were gone, I convinced myself that you didn't love me, so I had no obligation to love you back. But that's a lie, the truth is I never stopped loving you. I dated other girls only to break their hearts because I couldn't love them the way I love you. You were it for me Kara, and I blew it." He says before kissing my shoulder and sitting up, letting his back rest on the headboard.

He sighs loudly, "You can't stop pretending to be sleeping now." I can almost hear the smile in his voice.

I sit up, holding the sheet over my body as I bring my back to the headboard, "When did you know I was awake?" I ask, looking over at him.

"Since I woke up. But I figured if you were gonna pretend to sleep, at least I would have a few moments to talk to you without being interrupted." He replies, looking over at me with that million-dollar smile. The same smile I fell in love with years ago.

"Ryder, I-" I start, not really sure how to approach this conversation.

"Look, Kara, I know you don't love me anymore. I get that now. But I'm not going to repeat what happened three years ago." He says, turning his body to look at me directly.

I look at him confused and he replies with a sigh.

"I let you and Carter go last time. I didn't fight for our family. I didn't fight for you." He says before moving from his spot beside me to sitting right in front of me.

"I know I don't deserve another chance Kara, but I'm begging you for one more. Let me show you that I've changed and that I can be the man you need and the father that Carter needs. Just one night, please Kara." He finishes.

I bite my lip, something I do when I'm thinking, "I don't know Ryder...." I start, "I can't get hurt again, I won't be able to take it. When you rejected me the first time, it almost killed me."

"I know baby, but I'm begging you. One chance. That's all I want." He replies, grabbing my hands and holding them in his. Even with this small amount of contact, I can still feel the sparks. The sparks of a mate bond.

I give him a small smile, "You better not blow it then," I say, looking up to meet his eyes.

"Really?" He asks with a huge smile on his face.

"Oh, do you want me to take it back?" I say sarcastically, "because I mean if you don't want it..."

"No, I want it! I definitely want it!" He backpedals before getting out of bed, "I have to do some pack stuff today, but I'll be back to take you and Carter out. Dinner at 7?" He asks me.

"Works for me," I say with a small smile.

"Okay, see you tonight," He says, walking over to give me a small kiss on my forehead before leaving the room.

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