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Simon sits playing at his table. The phone rings. He looks over at his toy telephone sitting on the floor then walks over to it. The display reads SHA33. "Hello? Simon Greenfield speaking. Hi Mommy. Yeah, I wanna see you. Where are you?"

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Dean sits at the table staring at nothing. His phone ring and he snatches it up. "Dad?" Dean asks.

"Yeah." John says.

"Where's the demon?"

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"Lanie please. Tell me what happened, it's very important." Elena says.

"Mom told me to go to Dad's medicine cabinet."

"And?" Sam urges.

"She wanted me to take his sleeping pills, take all of his sleeping pills."

"She wanted you to kill yourself?" Elena asks.

Lanie nods, crying. "Why would my Mom want me to do that?" She asks.

"I don't know." Sam says.

"I mean, just so I could come to her?"

"What'd you say?" Sam says.

"She wanted me to come to her." Lani's says.

"No, how'd she say it?"

"Come to me. Like a million times."

Elena watches Sam. "What is it Sam?" She asks.

"Lanie. That's not your mother."

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Dean pulls up and gets out. He grabs his weapon's bag from the trunk, looks around and moves toward a house. ...

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"Listen to me. Don't answer the phone. Don't use the computer. Don't do anything unless I say to, all right?" Sam starts down the stairs and realises Lanie's not following. "Lanie."

Lanie stands in a doorway. "Where's Simon?" She asks.

Meanwhile, Dean enters quietly enters and moves down the hallway, listening. A floorboard creaks on the second floor. "Hello?" He says.

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Simon walks as if in a trance across the road. Cars horns blare.

With Dean, he drops a rosary into a large bottle of water. Cut to him shaking a paint can and spraying a devil's trap on the floor

Simon keeps walking across the next road. A large truck barrels toward him. In the cab the driver glances away from the road to check his delivery list. He looks back to see Simon in front of him.

The truck horn blares and tires squeal. Simon seems to awaken and throws his hands up to protect himself. Sam rushes the road, grabs him and dives for the verge. They lay panting as the truck roars past.

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"Dean, it's not Dad." Sam says into his phone.

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