Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Notes: Ava-Rain's POV

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- '. . .I'm done with burning bridges to the sun.' -

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"Please don't tell me that you've been driving around like a crazy person, praying to the high heavens to rain down cell reception just so that you could call me." I laughed as I took a seat on the couch in the living room.

Knowing Kasey, that was exactly what she had done. She had always been a go-getter, and whenever she had a goal in sight, she went after it and always achieved it. There were never any limits for her, at least none that she wouldn't obliterate for having the audacity to stand in her way. Kasey Helland was a spitfire and a personification of excellence, all wrapped in an exterior of strength that I wished I had.

"Please, lady, I may be crazy but I'm not that crazy. I totally suckered Luke into driving," she laughed and in the background I heard her seventeen year old brother shout a greeting directed at me.

"Aw, Luky! Tell him I said 'hi'!" She did as requested. "So what's with the phone call? I mean, I'm happy to hear your voice and all, but you guys aren't due back until the end of the week, right?" In that moment, I heard the shower in Caleb's room turn on.

"Yeah, that was the plan, but mom, dad, grams and gramps want to stay another week or so. Even Luke is surprisingly having the time of his depressing little life. I totally threatened to steal the car and drive home if they made me stay another day because, you know, I knew there was no way that my best friend could handle another week without my absence, which is why I'm now currently sitting in the middle of nowhere just so that I could give you the heads up. But, clearly, I thought wrong and my intentions are unappreciated."

"Oh, I'm so sorry. Did the sadness in my voice not reach the quota you were expecting?"

"No! Come on, where's the sighs of defeat? The choked up sobs full of anguish and despair? The promises to lay in bed all day and everyday, counting down the minutes until my return while you stare at the millions of pictures you have of me tucked away in a box underneath your bed? Jeez, you haven't even told me that you've missed me yet!"

Ladies and gentleman, I introduce to you, my best friend Kasey, in all of her dramatic glory.

"I freaking miss you, Kasey Helland! You know I do."

"Did you miss me so much that you broke your phone out of frustration? You're lucky, I almost deleted your text without reading it. So, what the heck did you do to your phone exactly?"

Oh, you know, threw it at a wolf in hopes of distracting it from tearing me to shreds after I stupidly fell asleep in the backyard forest we used to play in.

"You know me, doesn't take much to leave a trail of destruction in my path. Poor thing was just an innocent victim."

"Yeah, you and Jennifer were always akin to weapons of mass destruction. And speaking of the little princess, have you heard from her? Got a text from her as well wondering if you changed your number. Clearly, you have, so I guess my question is what the hell did she do to piss you off if you haven't talked her?" I hadn't miss the fact that Kasey had assumed that Jennifer was the guilty party and not me. I guess it was because we had grown used to Jennifer always starting the drama and us having to be the ones to end it. But this time, Jennifer was the innocent one because I was the one that had been ignoring her.

But how exactly was I going to tell Kasey that the reason I had not spoken with Jennifer in weeks was because I had gotten kicked out, learned that I was mated to a werewolf and now living with said werewolf, who just so happened to be the only heir of the four elements in a supernatural world I was now a part of? There was absolutely nothing that Kasey and I kept from each other, but this was a secret that I just couldn't share. As Caleb once said, if information were to be revealed that only put himself on the line, then he would have told me many things from the beginning. And I was beginning to better understand that now. There were so many people that I cared about now, whose safety and well-being would be jeopardized if I were to reveal certain secrets that were not necessarily mine to tell.

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