Chapter Fifteen | Part I

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Chapter Notes: Ava-Rain's POV

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- 'Do you want me for my body? Do you want me for my brain?' -

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"So, are you, like, trying to burn a hole through the door with your gaze or something?"

     I looked next to me where Caleb stood, his gaze highly fixated on the closed door below. We were on the upper level of the study, and because I had never stepped foot inside of the room before, I was very amazed to see that it had wrapped around the entire room. Much like a typical public library, the upper level was sectioned off with rows of book cases—all of which were completely filled, containing more books than I could have ever imagined a house full of boys would have needed—and stationed between each bookcase was a mahogany table with chairs stationed around all four sides.

     It had been almost an hour since Kane informed us that Harrison and Stryder were on their way back to the den with Angelie in tow. Soon after, Caleb had led me back inside and straight to the study where the two of us had remained ever since. I couldn't tell you exactly where the rest of the pack members were, but if I were to guess, I would say that they, too, were making preparations for Angelie's arrival.

And by preparations, I didn't mean rolling out the welcome mats and getting out the good china. Preparing in the sense that they were most likely trying to tame their wolves in hopes of preventing them from tearing Angelie to shreds the moment she walked through the door.

     Caleb turned his head towards me and released a soft smile. "It's either stare down there at the door or focus on the anger and hatred that my wolf is currently brewing inside of me."

     It was hard not to notice Caleb's change in demeanor since our talk outside. Gone was the loving, casually relaxed boy that found solace in making me laugh and smile. For the most part of the past hour, he had transformed into the hard, cold, silent wolf that I had only seen a handful of times, most of which had involved me as a common denominator.

     "Really? Those are your only two options?"

     That time, he turned his whole body towards me, which I was glad for because it resulted in the removal of his tightly clenched fists on the wooden bannister separating us from the thirty foot drop to the lower level. And when he looked at me, I smirked, quite certain that he knew exactly what I was implying.

"Of course," his voice darkened, "it's always beneficial to have an 'Option C', isn't it?" He began to close the little space between our bodies but I combatted the action by slowly walking backwards and away from him.

     ". . .and a 'D'," was my quick reply, "an 'E', maybe even an 'F' and a 'G'."

I continued to put more and more space between us until my body came into contact with one of the tables. My eyes remained on Caleb, who had folded his arms across his chest in amusement when, I assumed, it dawned on him that he was the cat to my mouse. Of course, there wasn't going to be much of a fight on my part because the distraction I was trying to provide was not solely for his benefit but for my own as well.

Though, it wasn't a distraction I necessarily wanted or needed. It was, simply, just him.

His touch. His kiss. His heat.

I needed my mate after being deprived of him for days.

     "So, am I right in assuming that somewhere in that plethora of options lays the best choice?" Like a true predator, he stalked his way towards me. "If so, does that, therefore, make this some sort of test?"

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