Chapter Twenty-Four*

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Chapter Notes: Ava-Rain's POV

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- 'Needle & the thread, gotta get you out of my head, needle & the thread gonna wind up dead.' -

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He was bigger than I remembered.

The sunlight peaking through the trees bounced off of his dark fur. His ears were pinned forward, his tail held high. I didn't know much but I'd like to think that I knew enough about wolf behaviour to know that those specific actions, along with his low but unmistakable bone-chilling growls, were all signs of aggression.

And what more could I expect? Before him, I was nothing but a weak little human, and I could only assume that this expression of dominance was meant to remind me of my place.

As if I could ever forget.

There couldn't have been more than thirty feet of distance between us. Not enough to convince myself that any attempt to escape would be successful, just enough to see that he had me exactly where he wanted me. Dangling the view of the den in front of me, daring me to try and make a break for it.

"Did you come to finish what you started over a week ago?" I raised my hands when it moved forward a few feet. "Because, I have to tell you, when I think of dying I imagine it being much more peaceful. Quick and painless," I took a step towards him. "Maybe in my sleep?" I took another, hands still up. "Definitely not in the woods alone. And certainly not today."

I probably should have been afraid. No, I knew that being afraid would truly have been in my best interest. The last time I came face to face with this wolf left me with memories that still haunted my dreams, and an abundance of guilt whenever I looked at Declan. But being afraid would have only connected me to the Ava-Rain that I was during our first encounter. The weak Ava-Rain that put another person's life at risk because she wasn't strong enough to keep herself and that person out of harm's way.

And I never wanted to be that Ava-Rain ever again.

The rest of the pack had to have been on their way. Caleb's howl had undoubtedly reached their ears, and because of that fact the only thing on my mind was not to try and stall for as long as possible but to end this as quickly as I could.

"But if this is how it's going to be, then. . .then I accept it. For them."

I lowered my hands, dropping my arms to my side. "Any minute, the pack, two probably very angry parents and a hunter are going to storm these woods and do what they have to do to defend their alpha. To defend me. You're outnumbered, which I'm sure you already know, and if that's true then you obviously don't care, do you? Because you're stronger. And you're faster. But I'm hoping to God or Luna that you're also honourable. That if you came here to kill me, that you'll do it and then you'll leave. Nobody else has to die," I shook my head. "Not for me."

Slowly, and while keeping my eyes still locked on the wolf, I lowered myself to my knees.

Surrendering. Offering my self. Offering my life.

As soon as my knees met the dirt, the wolf started walking towards me. Slowly. Calmly. His growls had silenced; the only sound then was the distinct crunch of the leaves and sticks that littered the ground with every step that he took.

My heart was racing so fast I thought it might eventually give out or burst through my chest. And the only thing that I knew might calm me, even if only in the slightest, was Caleb. So I closed my eyes and tried to find that link that we shared to gain some sense or remnants of his feelings, but I couldn't feel him.

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