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"I never wanna see you again!" He shouted. His words stung like a wasp sting. You felt like you were about to pass out from the heat that came over you during the course of the heated argument.

Austin was so mad at you. He looked at you in a way that he never had before. He looked like he genuinely hated you.

It all started the earlier that day.

"Morning Austin" you chirped

"Morning beautiful." He replied with that beautiful smile on his face which you absolutely love. "Have you seen my phone?"

You shook your head. He got up and started looking for it. He wanted to tweet his fans "good morning' but he couldn't do that without his phone.

"Maybe it fell under the bed, I mean it got pretty shaky last night" if you know what I mean.

Austin chuckled and checked under the bed and lo and behold, under the bed it was. He jumped up and held his phone up triumphantly. "Got it." He chirped

"Great. Now come back to bed. I wanna cuddle." You said with a pout and a slight whimper in your voice.

Austin did as you told him."just give me a sec. K?"

"Okay" you groaned

Later that day

Austin came back from the studio. You heard the door open and slam shut. He never slammed the door like that... unless.

Oh no

He walked to you angrily. He looked at you with a scowl on his face.

"Austin what's--"

"How could you?!" He yelled interrupting you.

"What we you--"

He interrupted you again "How could you cheat on me, with him of all people?"

You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. "First of all. I would never cheat on you. Second, who are you talking about?"


You knew exactly who he was talking about when you heard his tone. "Austin, I've told you a million times we are just old friends. I don't even hang out with him."

"Yeah. I totally be live you." He said sarcastically.

"I don't know what your intentions were, but he obviously just did this to spite me."

"Babe, I didn't"

"He sent me pictures. He says they are from the video that he took without you knowing." He pulled out his phone and showed you. "I hope it was worth it"

"Babe. Please listen you me."

"No. I won't. I never wanna see you again!"

And here we are. Austin hates you for something that never happened. You decided to go straight to the source of the problem. And old friend of your who shall remain nameless as for not to embarrass him for his foolishness

I called him.
"What the f*** is wrong with you. You know that those picture are fake and that I can prove it. Either you tell Austin the truth or I'll force you to in a court of law.

He scoffed "what's your case, sweetheart?"

"Slander that's my case" I gagged at the endearment just because it was from him "I have alabies that can prove for a fact that I wasn't with you when you say I was."

"Which is?"

"In the midst of his rage, Austin forgot that I was with him that night."

He went silent. He agreed to tell Austin the truth about faking the pictures and that there was no video

A week later

After contemplating for a week on how to do it, Austin apologized and you took him back.

You were stronger after this and Austin learned that he needed to trust you more.

Imagine Me and You-interracial preferences Austin Mahone ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now