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"Marry me Sapphire." Bennett suggested making her heart skip a beat. She turned towards him with wide eyes. Hoping she would find any sign of humour. But there was none. He looked dead serious and she instantly knew, this was no joke. "Hell no!!!" she shrieked, making him tear his eyes off the road and give her a quick look.

"This is the most reasonable option Sapphire." he stated in a serious tone, making her even more nervous then she already was. "No other option? What do you mean by no other option?" she demanded. "I want to be a part of their life Sapphire. I have already lost five precious years. I don't want to lose any more then I already have."

"If you really want to be a part of their life, then I won't stop you. But we are not getting married." he gave her an amused look and asked, "Well I presume you are okay with me taking them to New York then?" she gave him a confused look. "Why would you want to take them to New-" but she paused in the middle when she realised what exactly he meant.

"No! You are not taking them anywhere." she shouted in horror making him raise an eyebrow. "What? You just said you don't mind me being a part of their life." he asked innocently. "I didn't say you could take them away from me. I just meant you could visit a couple of times a month or something like that."

"Too bad, I didn't take it that way. Look Sapphire, they need me and so do you. So stop acting like a baby and try thinking about this." he insisted, hoping at least this time she would leave their past behind and listen to him for once. "No Bennett, you are wrong. They don't need you, neither do I."

He tightened his grip on the steering wheel as her every word pierced through his heart. He could feel his heart break into a million pieces. This wasn't supposed to be like this, she was supposed to hear him out and understand. But it seems like things had just got out of his hands.

But he wasn't going to give up on her. He would fight for her love. He would prove to her that he was no longer the Asshole who had broken her heart. And he wasn't going to let her go, not now or ever. "l Yes they do and so do you. Admit it Sapphire, you could never give them a life that I could give them." He bluntly replied making her heart sink.

As much as she wanted to deny it, he was right. She could never be able to give them a life he could give them . But then again, she has given them her everything. And she knew, she would do anything and everything for them. No matter what she has to go through, or whom she has to fight.

"What happened Sapphire? Tell me, can you give them a life style I could provide for them?" he asked with a raised eyebrow and a devilish grin on his face. "Stop the car." she ordered, making him turn towards her with a surprised look. "What happened Sapphire? Truth hurts doesn't it?" he continued to rant about things she could never give her sons.

"I said STOP THE CAR....NOW!!" she shouted in rage making him immediately step on the breaks and pull the car into abrupt stop, surprising both of them. And even before he registers what he had just done. She un-buckled her seat belt and stepped out of the car and walked away completely ignoring his protests.

He watched her as she got into a cab and drive away. He still didn't understand what had just happened. Did he just screw up once again? Maybe he shouldn't have taken up her financial matters out. He knew she was going through a rough time and yet she was trying to give her best for his boys.

He ran a hand through his silky black hair and took a deep calming breath. He had to be strong, he had to fight. He knew how difficult this was, but he wasn't going to give up. "I promise you Sapphire, I will never give up on us." he whispered as he touched the empty passenger seat. "I promise." he continued and once again turned on the engine and drove away.

Sapphire took a deep breath as she shut the door behind her. She leaned into the wooden door and closed her eyes as she finally let her tears roll down. "What's wrong Sapphire? Why are you crying?" a familiar husky voice asked, making her eyes snap open instantly. "Noel?" she whispered as she watched him stroll towards her with concerned look on his face.

"Sapphire, what's wrong?" he asked as he gently cupped her face. "What are you doing here Noel?" she whispered as she brushed his hands off her face. "You said you couldn't make it to the brew, so I thought I would visit you right here. And maybe I could meet the twins." he replied with a warm smile on his face.

"So did you? I mean did you meet them?" she asked as they walked into the lounge room, where the others were waiting for her to show up. "Where the hell were you Sapphire? And why weren't you answering your phone?" Steven demanded the moment he saw her.

"Where are the twins?" she asked changing the subject. "In their room. They aren't in a great mood though." Emily replied making her turn towards her. "What did you mean by they aren't in a great mood?" she demanded making her roll her eyes.

"You promised to stay with them all day on their birthday. And then you leave saying you will be back in some time. And don't show up till evening. What else do you expect?" she replied shaking her head. "Oh shit! I guess I better go and talk to them." and with that she turned on her heels and started walking towards their room.

"Sapphire wait." Noel called after her making her stop and turn around. "Mind if I join you?" he asked hopefully. She gave him a small smile and nodded. "Of course not, come." she replied and gestured him to follow her.

"lWhere are my cute little birthday boys?" she cooed as she watched them hide under their blanket. She could hear them talk to each other in whispers. "Mommy we are not talking to you." Ethan yelled in his adorable voice, making Noel glance at her with an amused look on his face.

"Mommy is sorry babies. Please come and give Mommy a nice hug." She replied in a baby voice making the boys giggle. "No Mommy we are really mad at you." Evan shouted putting his head out of the blanket. "Yes Mommy we are mad at you." Ethan added as he joined his brother.

"Okay! so you guys are mad at your Mommy ha?" Noel asked as he stepped forward. The boys exchanged a confused look to each other and replied "Yes!" He watched them as they stared at him with curious eyes, and he couldn't help but think how much they looked like that son of a bitch.

"So if you guys are mad at her then, you probably don't want her?" The twins exchanged confused look at each other but didn't say anything. "So if you don't want your Mommy, can I take her with me?" he asked with a mischievous smirk. "No! We want Mommy." the boys shouted in union, as they jumped out the bed and ran up to he and gave her a tight hug.

"Sorry Mommy! Please don't leave us." Evan pleaded as he looked up at her with his wide beautiful eyes. And her heart sank as she saw the fear in his eyes. The fear of loosing her. She gently got on her knees and kissed his cheeks. "I won't leave you baby, ever." She replied with teary eyes .

"If you guys are done with your filmy moment, can we cut the cake? I'm starving." Emily interrupted making them turn towards her. She glanced at Sapphire and gave her a mischievous smile. "Boys let's go see what Aunt Gena has baked for us." The boys wriggled out of her arms and followed Emily out of the room.

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