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"You are not going to marry that girl." Olivia Milton shouted, as she glared at her son. Bennett tightened his grip on the wine glass in his hand, and with one tight squeeze he crushed it, breaking it into a million pieces . "Oh my god Ben!!" Olivia exclaimed as she rushed towards him and grabbed his bleeding hand.

"Let go Mom! It's not like you care." he snapped at her making her stare at him in disbelief. "I'm your Mother Ben. Of course I care." she replied making him roll his eyes. "Come on Mom, all you care about is your God damn reputation." he sneered making her flinch. "Look at what she has done to you Ben. You are-"

"Enough Mom! I get it you don't like her. But don't blame her for each and everything." Olivia let out a frustrated sigh and answered , "That girl is a thrash Ben. She would bring nothing but disgrace to this family." She slurred angrily. There was no way she was letting that girl be a part of her family.

"I swear Mom, if I hear one more word against her. I will walk out of this door and never come back." Bennett warned making her eyes go wide. "Bennett Milton, you are not going to talk to me like that." She shouted, her eyes wide with anger and surprise.

She couldn't believe that her Ben had just raised his voice against her and that too, for that girl. She could see the way that girl was moulding her son against her and she wasn't going to let her take him away from her. Sapphire Grey was not going to be a part of her family, not now, not ever.

"Sapphire is going to be a part of this family Mom, whether you like it or not." Bennet's words brought her out of her thoughts. "No you are-" but he cut her off in the middle. "Look Mom, we are not going to have this talk again. Tonight I'm bringing her and our sons for dinner. And I want you to be nice to her and the boys."

"Listen Son, if you are marrying her for the boys then you don't have to. We could hire the best lawyers and-" once again he cut her off. "I love her Mom and I want to spend the rest of my life with her and that's the reason I'm marrying her." Olivia could see the anger on his face and she knew he wasn't lying.

"Fine Ben. Tomorrow don't come to me telling that girl was a hoe and she left you again." Bennett could feel his body shake in anger. But instead of answering he just turned on his heels and walked away, completely ignoring his mother's protests.

Bennett knew that his mother didn't like Sapphire right from the beginning. But he hadn't expected that she would hate her to such an extent that she wouldn't respect his decision. But that's not what that was bothering him. It was the fear that how would she behave with Sapphire and the boys.

They had landed in New York a couple of hours back. And he had dropped them off at his penthouse with Cam. Though he wanted to stay with the boys, he knew he had a lot of work to do. And one of it was convincing his mother which he couldn't.

He didn't know how was he going make her understand that Sapphire is not what she thinks she is. She's nothing like the woman his mother socialises. Or you could say she wasn't a gold digger, and definitely not a whore. He was so lost in thoughts that he didn't notice Ryan walking towards him.

"Wo...o...w! Brother easy." Ryan stated waving his hands in the air bringing him out of his thoughts. "What?" he snapped annoyed by his brother's childish behaviour. "Ok let me guess, you just had an argument with Mom?" he asked earning a glare from him.

"What do you want Ry?" he demanded angrily making Ryan roll his eyes. "Come on dude, she doesn't know her, once she does. Trust me she will love her." Bennett ran a hand through his hair and answered, "It's Mom we are talking about Ry. I just hope she doesn't do something stupid tonight."

"Don't worry Ben I will take care of it. Just ask Sapphire to wear something nice." Ryan winked at his brother and walked away. Bennett stood there with a big question mark on his face. Not really understanding what exactly did his brother mean. Rolling his eyes in annoyance, he walked away.

SAPPHIRE stood there staring at the beautiful New York City, admiring every detail of the city that the huge glass walls allowed. She had just put the boys to bed and she had nothing to do. Folding her hands before her chest she let out a heavy breath.

"Mommy!" she heard Evan cry and she immediately rushed into the room only to find her baby cry with his hands wrapped around his stomach. "What happened baby?" she gushed as she cupped his face in her hands. "Mommy!" he cried again.

"What happened baby tell me?" She asked her eyes teary with concern. "My tummy is aching Mommy!" he cried as Saphire took him in her arms. "What's wrong?" Cameron asked as he rushed into the room. "He says he's getting a stomach ache." Saphire replied.

"Wait a minute." He answered and rushed out of the room. And within minutes he was back with a briefcase on his hand. "What is-" but he cut her off . "Can I see him for a minute?" He asked as he opened his briefcase and took his stethoscope out.

Sapphire watched him in confusion as he examined Evan, and it was then realisation hit her. He was a doctor. "What is happening to him? Is he alright?" she asked softly as she watched her baby cry in pain. "It's just gas. You don't have to worry Sapphire. I will give him some medicine , he will be fine by evening."

Sapphire let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. She closed her eyes and made a silent prayer. "He's fine Sapphire, you don't have to worry." Cam assured placing a hand on her shoulder. " lThank you so much Cam." she replied looking up at him.

He smiled and answered. "We are a family now Sapphire. So quit thanking me every now and then. And you young man, no more junk food for now." he added looking at Evan. "Yes Uncle Cam." The little boy whispered.

"Bennett will be here any minute, so don't worry he'll take care of everything." he stated as they walked out of the room. "Cam, can I ask you something?" she asked hesitantly, he looked down at her with a raised eyebrow, "Go ahead." he encouraged.

"Do you think Olivia is going to accept me?" Cameron stayed silent for an entire minute and answered. "I don't know Sapphire, but I can assure you that one day she will." She knew that day would never come. Olivia didn't like her then and she was more then sure that there was no way that she would like her now.

"Anyways, I've texted Ben and informed him about Evan, he would be here any minute. And I will ask Stella to prepare something for Evan he will be fine. And take care of Ethan . I will see you all at dinner." And with that he walked away leaving her to her thoughts.

She didn't know where life was taking her. The past couple of days has been so eventful that she had almost forgotten what normal feels like. And Logan showing up out of nowhere, was something that was bothering her even more.

What was it he wanted to tell her, but one thing she was sure about was whatever it was, it has something to do with her Dad. She had been dodging Logan's calls from the past couple of days and she didn't know why. And just like that her phone started to ring, bringing her out of her thoughts.

Pulling out her phone she checked the ID and let out a frustrated sigh. It was Logan. After a couple of rings she finally decided to answer it. Taking a deep breath she demanded , " What is it Logan? " but there was no response from the other end.

"Sapphire." a familiar husky voice spoke up making her go stiff. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest, and she blurted out. "Dad?"

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