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"Excuse you!" Violet blurted out, standing from her bad so she could be toe to toe with the one Cullen she knew would never be her favorite.

Her eyes briefly flashed over every single part of his face, taking in the angered gaze and bronze hair as she waited for him to answer.

"I need you to go back to La Push and make sure Bella is safe," he answered in a much calmer voice then the one he had stormed in with. However that didn't stop the wildfire of anger that coursed through Vi's veins as he continued to annoy her with his presence.

Emmett, who was staying near Vi, eyeing daggers towards Edward spoke up in the moment. "Edward, this isn't a good time."

"In case you haven't noticed werewolves aren't exactly welcoming me with open arms, why the hell else do you think I'm here dumbass?" Vi sassed, crossing her arms.

Edward sighed, knowing that she was much more difficult then he was use too. Although a small part of him knew that she was the best match for Emmett the majority of him was pissed that t was taking that much longer for him to get news about Bella. He knew letting her go off on the back of Jacobs motorcycle was badc extremely bad but his plan was to get Violet back there to check for him, unfortunately that plan was going down hill.

"Look, I know you don't have the best relationship with either of them but I need you to go check this out for me. Bella's not safe with Jacob, he could hurt her."

Vi scoffed, crossing her arms in annoyance," why because he's a wolf? Is that it? I'm half a wolf and so far I've managed to keep myself from ripping Emmett to shreds."

"Or doing anything..." Emmett added under his breath.

Violet held back the smirk that threatened to escape her lips, "like I said. She's fine with the wolves, you're just being paranoid that Jake will steal her back. Stop being so damn insecure dude, or better yet let her do whatever the fuck she wants. I've stopped giving a shit and maybe you should to."

Emmett was attempting not to laugh at her words, containing the small smirk that escaped him as he heard her so bluntly talk to Edward. The girl gave no shits.

"Edward if she says she doesn't want to go she's not going. I like Bella but I'm not risking Vi's life," Emmett spoke up, taking a step closer to Vi so they were side by side.

Edward stared once more at the couple, noting how firm Emmett's stance was with his girlfriend. He wasn't budging. In a way he respected what Emmett was doing, the light haired boy knowing that if Bella was in the same position he would stand by her but Violet was the only who could reassure him that his girlfriend was okay.

"She was with wolves for months, she spent day and night with Jake." Violet said, a tad bitterness going through her words when she remembered. "I'm sure she's okay."

Edward abruptly left the room, leaving the couple in an awkward silence.

"You okay," Emmett turned to the petite brunette, his golden eyes glossing over her entire face.

Violet was silent, which meant she was either angry beyond belief or thinking, both of which weren't a good sign. Her bottom pink lip pulled into her mouth as she chewed on it and concentrated. Emmett holding his breath as she continued to look out of place, her eyes wandering far away.

She finally glanced up at him, her heart yearning to kiss his full rosy lips like they might have had Edward not interrupted the pair. Emmett was confused by the look of sorrow in her eyes, guilt clouding them. Without warning she moved around his large stature and towards the adjoining closet.

"I'm gonna go back." Was her only response, not turning to even take notice of Emmett's facial expression. The burly man was shocked, jaw slacken as he processed her words in shock. She was already shutting the closet door when he finally reacted, speeding over to the door that was just going to shut.

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